He's hot: Chapter 2

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Ana's POV:

Gia and I got out of my car and went inside. "Sooo" she says drawing it out "spill the tea"
"We haven't even reached my room yet" I said laughing. She ran up the stairs before going to my bedroom. "Ok, I'm coming, I'm coming" I say before going up the stairs.

She was already lying in my bed. "Ok come tell me" she says patting the space beside her. "Ok let me just finish what I was telling you, so I bumped into his chest and he picked up my book. And why does my day have to be so embarrassing, first you read my smut and then he gets a glimpse of it"

"Wait he saw it?" She asks "Yeah he did" I say. "Ok Whatever. What does he look like? Oh and do you know him?" She asks. "Well he was hot" I say with a grin on my face. Wait wth why am I smiling. You cannot be falling for this guy Ana. You can't! 

 "He had these beautiful green eyes and his muscular body and Oh my god did I mention how fricking hot he was" I say " Umm Ana you know you can curse right, it's no biggie" Gia says "Well I'm not really a fan of cursing and you know that. Whatever back to my story."

"He was in all black and his black hair just brung out his eyes more. He gave me my book before saying.... and I quote "look where your going love" For some reason I have never seen him before"  I explain. "I think someone has a crush" Gia says in a singing voice.

"I do not"
"Oh yes, you do"
"Gia stop I do not"
"So why do you smile when you talk about him?"
"I don't know, okay"

We sit in silence for a few seconds before Gia shoots up with excitement. "OH MY GOSH!"
"WHAT?" "It's Luke!" "Luke? Who the hell is Luke" I ask "Are you living under a fucking rock? Luke is the most popular guy in school, the hottest guy in school, the guy that every one has a fucking crush on. And he talked to you plus he took up your book. Oh my gosh" she says full of excitement.

Umm okay, girl calm down it ain't that big of a deal. It's just a dude.

I look at her with a confused look. "Why are you looking at me like you don't know who I'm talking about?" "That's cause I don't" "Omg I can't believe you've been going to this school for three years and you don't know who Luke Henderson is"

After two hours of telling me who Luke Henderson is she finally left to go home. Now I can read my book. I let a sigh before opening my book.

The Next Day.

Luke's POV:

"I'm throwing a party at my place, you coming?" I ask Lex. "Yeah of course I never miss a party, especially if it's yours" "Ok cool" Eric walks up to me. Ugh what does this douchebag wants. "So Luke about that girl, you planning on inviting her" He asks "Who? You mean Ruby?" Lex chimes in.

"No dickhead, Ruby and I are done, don't you know that already?" I say. "Geez I was just asking. You guys are an off and on couple" I roll my eyes at his comment. I hate when people roll there eyes at me but that sentence deserved an eye roll.

"Whatever who is Eric talking about" Lex asks. "Wouldn't you wanna know" I say. "Whatever she's a girl I bumped into yesterday after lunch" "okay then why do you want to invite her to your party" Lex asks. "Because I can't get her out of my head" I blurt out without thinking. "And she's hot" I add.

What is wrong with me today? 

"Is she that hot?" Lex asks. " She must be since as Mr. Hottie over here is literally on his knees for her" Eric says then laughs.

"First of all I'm not on my knees for her and second don't ever call me Mr. Hottie again, third, you guys will not gawk over her not even a nasty comment" I say. "Wow you guys aren't even together and you already overprotective" Eric says. "I'm not overprotective" "Yes you are" they say at the same time.

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