Because you call me kitten: Chapter 12

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Luke's POV:

I'm at my locker waiting when I see Gia at her locker looking through it.

I walk over to her with a confused look on my face.

I tap on her shoulder

"Hey Gia, have you seen Ana" I ask

She turns around before answering. "Umm no she isn't coming. She said something came up"

I nod my head. "Oh ok"

I walk back over to my locker to see Lex leaning on it.

"Finally got her, my man" he says with a smirk.

"Yeah" I say.

"Hey man wassup?" He says

"Nothing" I respond

"C'mon man I know when something's up even if you don't show it"

I sigh

"Well I wanted to give Ana something but she didn't come to school" I say with a straight face trying not to show how disappointed I am.

The bell rings getting our attention.

"Well I'm sorry bout that bro but gotta go" Lex says before walking away


I walk out the school doors and get in my car.

I start the engine then reverse into road.

Ana's POV:

"What the fu-frick, when did you find this out?" I ask my parents

"Yesterday" my mom answers

I pull her in a hug.

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy"

I pull away. "Mom, Dad just so I can be your "Happy Asia again" can you please just tell me about the Mafia"

"Ok" my Dad says. "Sit down"

I sit on the couch while my Dad stoops Infront of me.

"When I was about 17 i use to get in a lot of fights at school and no one could beat me, and I mean no one. Till one day I was walking home and a black van stops at my foot.

Three men came out and knocked me out. When I woke up they had me in this room it was pitch black. That's when I met Luke's grandfather, who is now dead. He wanted t recruit me and if course I said yes, I didn't like school anyways.

Anyways I started training everyday until I could beat De'Kuxa he was one if the best there and surprisingly I beat him. That's when they fully recruit me and I started working for them.

After 6 years of working there, I heard they recruited a woman. Everyone wanted to see this woman try and beat De'Kuxa. In the end she did and that's when I went up to her and started talking to her"

"Let me guess that woman was mom" I say interrupting him.

He nods. "Yes. Well that's basically how I got involved in the Mafia. Anything else?" He asks

"Well yes I have one more question. Why didn't you guys tell me that you were in the Mafia?"

"We wanted to keep you safe, alot if our family members got killed because of it" my mom says

"Ok but, just so you know I want to join the Mafia"


"Of course you were gonna say that " I say rolling my eyes

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