You love me: Chapter 36

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Ana's POV:

"What the hell?" I whisper

Luke holds me close to his body. Tightly.

I lift up the sheet to see both of us naked underneath.

Well fudge it did indeed happen.

I try to get out of his grip but he only holds me even tighter letting out a groan.

"Luke" I whisper.

He doesn't respond.

I then hear a knock at my door.

"Lilah! You up?!" Aria says

Should I respond?

If I do she's gonna come in here and she's gonna see Luke.

I don't want her to see Luke. Plus I'm naked. He's naked.

It's final. Im not gonna answer.

"Ok then I'm coming in" I hear

Before I could react she was standing infront of my bed with her eyes wide.

She comes over to my side of the bed and stoops down.

A chuckle left her lips before started speaking. "I see you and Luke got along" she says with a smirk.

I slap her but not to hard to hurt her.

"He won't let me go" I say with a frown.

"I see he's clingy" she says

I nod.

"Ok get out so I can get him to let go of me" I say

She chuckles before standing up straight.

"Ok good luck"

She walks out the door closing it behind her.

"Luke I swear to god if-

"I'm up" he says

"Your awake?" I say turning around to face him.

That was a bad idea. I'm now inches away fro his face and he's staring directly in my eyes.

Blue to Green.

"I missed looking in your eyes" he says

I don't respond but kept looking at him.

"I missed your laugh, I missed us cuddling, I missed us going in dates, fighting over if we should watch movie or listen to you ramble about your hot movie characters, but most of all I missed you Ana. You need to come back home. I need you back home. Your mom needs you. Gia, Devon, Avana, Leonora. They all need you" he says

Who the heck is Leonora?

"Luke I'm not coming home no matter what you say or do. I'm not coming home"

"Now just please let me go. I want to pee really bad" I tell him.

He finally lets me go and I hurry to the bathroom.

After finishing my business and washing my hands then drying them, I brush my teeth before going back out to my room only to see Luke still lying in my bed.

Isn't he going home?

Doesn't he have business to do seen as how that's why he's here.

"Ana" he calls out

I hum.

"Like I said, till you forget your name" he mumbles but I hear.

"Can you please leave? I have things to do" I say

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