Bad feeling: Chapter 20

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Gia's POV:

"Eric told me they were discussing some Mafia stuff" I say

Ana looks at me confused.
"Did Luke join the Mafia?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know"

"Then when is he in the meeting"

"I don't know,ok Ana jeez" I say in a frustrated tone.

Eric and I got into a fight before reaching here and it really stressed me out.

"I was just asking a question dibshit" she says with attitude.

"Ana I'm sorry it's just that I found out something yesterday and Eric and I got into a fight about it"
I say with a frown.

"What was the thing you guys were fighting about?" She asks curiously

I hold my head down.

"Ok, since you don't want to talk about it I'll leave it alone" she says putting her hand in my back rubbing it up and down in a soothing way.

I smile up at her.

She returns a small smile before looking up and going tense.

I follow her gaze and see one of the boys from the 'meeting' standing Infront of us.

"What do you want" Ana asks.

"Your boyfriends are calling both of you" he says with a smirk on his face.

Ana's POV:

Gia and I get up holding hands and start walking towards the voices we hear.

The boy following closely beging us.

We reach the boys.

"Take your fucking eyes off my girl" Eric and Luke says at the same time looking at the boy behind us.

We look around at him.

"Sorry man" He says slurring

"Get out now!" Luke said

I flinch at his shouting and he noticed.

He holds out his hand. "Come here baby"

I walk over to Luke and he makes me sit on his lap.

He puts his hands around me and puts his mouth at my ears, making shivers go up my spine.

"I'm sorry amore, I didn't mean to scare you" he says

I nod my head and he keys out a sigh of relief.

I see Gia and Eric talking. Im guessing they got over the argument.

"Ok, back to it" Eric says.

"They have to come with us" Eric says looking at me and Gia.

I look around at Luke confused. I lean down to his ears. "What is he talking about?" I whisper.


"As you all know The Russians attacked headquarters last week and we need to do something about it. So Luke what we gonna do?" Eric says.

"We can deal with them by Sunday or Monday" Luke says

He looks sexy af. His tattoos were showing since as he took of his shirt leaving him in a white tank top. I realized that there was a new tattoo. Looks like it's there Mafia sign since as Eric has one too including all the other guys here.

He looked so focused. His eyebrows creasing and his face all serious.

Wait so how does he get to join the Mafia and I don't.

Whatever I'll take to him about it later.

"Why not attack Saturday, why wait?" One guy ask

"What I say go. Ora stai zitto e ascolta!" He shouted

That was sexy as hell

I leaned down and told Luke I was going to the bathroom.

"Ok baby, be back quick"

I nod before getting up off his lap.

I walk pass halls and halls until I see the stairs I'm familiar with.

I walk up the stairs and down the hall to Luke's room.

I go inside and into the bathroom.

After doing my business I wash my hands and dry them.

I walk out and turn off the lights only to be pushed against the wall.

I little scream left my lips when I locked eyes with brown eyes.

He pushed himself on me covering his mouth over mine kissing me.

I obviously didn't kiss him back but tried to push him away.

He held down my hands with his other hand.

Tears started running down my face as he forced himself on me.

He tried forcing his tongue in my mouth and that's when I bit it.

He groaned and pulled away "Fuck. You bitch"

I pushed him off me and tried running away, but that's when he grabbed me by my arm and I screamed my heart out.

"You bitch, shut the fuck up"

He puts his hand over my mouth.

"Ana!?" I hear Luke's voice

"Fuck" the guy mumbles

He took his hand from my mouth and that's when the tears fell harder and I slipped down the wall holding my knees to my chest.

He tried running away but that's when the door burst open revealing an angry Luke.

Soon after the test of the the guys were behind him.

The other guy stoped in his tracts.

"Luke I'm sorry man, she pushed herself onto me"

Luke didn't respond.

He walked over to the guy and held him by his throat lifting him up.

He started chocking and tried to pull Luke's hand from his throat but Luke only tightened it more.

I can't watch anymore of this.

I buried my head in my knees.

Soon after I heard a thud on the ground but I never dared looking up cause I already knew what it was.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and I tried moving away, but only being pressed up more in the wall.

"Kitten it's only me, its ok" I heard Luke's voice.

I looked up at him, tears still falling.

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him laying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Uscite tutti!!" He growled.

I heard the footsteps fade away and that's when I broke down.

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