Happiness/Sadness: Chapter 60

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Ana's POV:

Gia's now 10 cm dilated. Finally. She's ready to give birth.


I hope so.

It's literally two in the morning.
Im tired, Luke's tired, Eric's tired and obviously Gia's tired.

The OB doctor asked Luke, Me and Gia's parents to step out and wait in the waiting room.

That was 30 minutes ago.

All we've been hearing is Gia's screams. This makes me not want to have a baby anymore to be honest.

Soon later I hear a baby crying. My eyes go wide as i turn to look at Luke. "oh my gosh"

Gia's parents stand up smiling in shock.

She's here! My niece is here.

After everyone got to hold the new born baby girl I was tired of waiting and finally popped.

"Are you gonna ever tell us what her name is?"

Gia chuckles. "You just couldn't wait could you?" she says

No I couldn't .


"Her name is......

"For gods sake Gia" Her mom says

Gia chuckles. "Her name is Giavanna. Giavanna Claire Henderson"

I run over to her and pull her in a hug. "Oh my gosh I love it"

Everyone got turns hugging her until out of nowhere she fell asleep.

Luke's POV:

"We have to go home now" i tell Ana.

"No. Why?" she asks


I bend down to her ear level.

"Cause I'm horny" I basically whine.

"Seriously Luke" she rolls her eyes.

I grab her hand before making my way to the elevator. "Ugh Luke. What the hell are you doing?"

The elevator door opens and I sigh of relief that no one was in the elevator.

I drag Ana inside and the elevator doors shut. I press the stop button on the elevator before pushing Ana against the elevator.

My lips instantly connect with hers as our lips move in sync with each other. A moan left my lips and suprisingly she slips her tongue in my mouth.

"Oh fuck" I moan.

I pull away from her and my hand travel down to her skirt.

"Are we really about to have sex in a elevator?" She asks

My hand make my way to her underwear and her pussy is soaking wet. "Already wet for me. Huh?"

My fingers run up her slit back and forth as I watch how she melts under my touch. Her eyes close as a moan leave her lips.


"I can't believe we just did that?" She says as her cheeks turn red.

"Did what?" Ana's Mom  suddenly comes out of nowhere.

"Oh fuck" She mumbles. "We snuck into the ICU to see Giavanna" I say

Alexia scoffs. "You know you could have just asked a doctor to see her" she says

"I know but we're just so in love with her. And by 'we' I mean Ana" I say

She chuckles. "OKay"

After Alexia leaves I felt Ana relax. "Were you nervous that she was gonna find out?" I smirk.

"I wasn't nervous. I was terrified" she says and I laughed.

"Your cute when your nervous" I say smiling down at her.

She blushes once again before hiding her face in my chest.

"Guys Gia woke up" Eric says

I look up at him. "We'll be there" I say

She looks up at me. "Race you there" she says before running off.

I chuckle before starting to walk. My legs are long. I really don't need to run.

As I walk through the halls I see Ana running almost reaching Gia's room.

She looks behind her and that's when she sees me.

She stops at Gia's door as if spiting me and wait till I'm at least 5 cm before she steps in the room.

She gives me a cheeky smile before turning to Gia.

"Wassup?" She asks Gia

"I look like absolute shit" Gia says

Ana scoffs. "No you don't"

"Stop lying. I literally saw myself on my phone. It looks like someone ran a truck over me 10 times!" She says and I took that as my que to leave.

I stepped out of the room and see Eric pacing through the halls.

Back and Forth.

Back and Forth.

"Hey" I say going up to him.

Back and Forth.

I touch his shoulder taking him out of his trance.

His head snaps to me. "What if I'm gonna fuck up" he blurts out.

"I'm sure Gia wouldn't let you" I say with a chuckle

"Yeah but what if she's not there and she leaves me to take care of her and while feeding her I drop her. Or worse I drown her while bathing her" he says

I start laughing getting his attention.

He looks at me in shock. "This isn't funny. Your not supposed to be laughing. This is a real thing that might happen!" He says which only makes me laugh more.

Oh God I love my brother.

"Your gonna be great Eric. I'm sure of it. Just make sure not to drop or drown the baby" I say

He nods. "Thanks big brother" he says

"Oh and I have something to tell you" I say. "But you might wanna sit down"

He sits in one of the chairs along the hallway.

"Why I took so long at the house was because- was be- be-

I find myself unable to tell him the news. A news that shouldn't be affecting me this much.

Why is it though. I knew it was gonna happen soon, so why am I struggling to say it out loud.

"Because Dad died" I finally say

He sits in his chair staring at me only his eyes has a different meaning in them now.

They were once full of fear but were now full of sadness.

He was the son that loved there father no matter what. But I still don't understand why it took me so long to say it.

Am I okay with his death?

I don't know.

Am I happy that he's finally dead?

I. Don't. Know.

Does it hurt me knowing that he's dead?

I don't know.

I really don't know.

Not at this point I don't know.

The worse part is that I have to tell Ana.

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