Honeymonn: Chapter 79 (Part 2)

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Ana's POV:

He took his dick in hand and started stroking it. Back and forth. What intrigued me was the pre-cum he had at the tip.

The aching feeling between my legs only grew more as I watch him stroke himself. He rubbed the tip as a groan left his lips. He stops stroking himself and walk over to the bed and climbs onto it. 

He now hovers over me. "I'm gonna fuck you till you scream" He says causing my face to turn read. We really don't have to worry about anyone hearing us as Luke has chosen to come stay at one of his fathers house. 

He started kissing and sucking on my neck as a moan rip free from me. My head tilt back as my eyes close feeling the sensation of his warms lips come in contact with my skin. His lips travel down further, now reaching my breasts.

 I was about to say something but was interrupted by him pushing himself deep inside me. My body reacts and a loud moan left my lips as my eyes close tightly. 

He started picking up pace ow filling the room with the sounds of our moans and groans.

"Fuck" He groaned as his head tilt back. 

I felt my insides clench around his dick as I could feel myself about to cum. I try to close up my legs but he only forces them apart more. "Stay" he growls. His thrusts were hard, rough, merciless and it felt like he was gonna rip my insides out. 

"Please" I beg. "I can't take it anymore. Slow down" I cry 

He continuously hit my g-spot bringing me even closer to my high. I felt my insides clench around him as he stretching me out.  "Fucking take it" 

My hands pull at the cuffs bringing a sting to my wrists. "Shit" I whisper. The sound of our wet bodies hitting together were heard in the room as our moans echo throughout.

Luke's POV: 

I could fuck this woman in front of me for eternity and never get tired. LIterally.  

She feels so good wrapped around my dick. Her warm juice running down my dick as I pound in and out of her, her moans that are music to my ears, how she cums uncontrollably when I fuck her hard and how she makes my dick twitches when she clenches around me hard. 

Her feet tightens around me and she moans loudly. "Luke I need to cum!" She pleads

I smirk as my hand make it's way towards her clit. I start rubbing it back and forth at a fast pace as I feel it pulsating rapidly. 

She clenches around me once again causing a groan to leave my lips. "Fuck" I thrusts into her faster-knowing that I'm hitting that one spot that drives her crazy. 

I feel my climax nearing. I know she knows that I'm gonna cum soon. My head tilt back at the sensation building up in me. "Luke!" She moans.

"Wait for me baby" I say and she tightens her grip around me. 

I swear if she tightens her feet around me one more time she's gonna burst me.

"Cum" I say and she cums around my dick wit me following. She sinks down in the bed with a sigh. I hover her with me still in her and take the key from the stand to un-cuff her. I pull out of her and drop beside her with a sigh. 

"I love you so goddamn much" I say. She doesn't respond causing me to look over at her. She was sound asleep. 

My poor kitten

I got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. I came back with a damped towel and cleaned her up. I returned to the bathroom putting the towel in the dirty basket and went back to the bedroom where my beloved wife was.

I  went in the bed with her and covered us up with the sheet as she cuddled in me. I took her in my arms and kissed her on the forehead whispering a 'good night' to her.


I smile as I watch my older daughter teach her little  sister how to say 'mama'. How do I know that? Well Ashlyn is saying it over and over to Ashley as Ashley tries to also say it. 

It's such a beautiful sight. 

"Ok little ones it's time for bed" Alexia says as she puts the camera on a table so we could see everything that was going on. 

We have to stay up late just to see  our little babies. But we will obviously do anything for them. 

After a little while of talking to the twins and Ana saying 'I love you' to them about a 100 times we finally hung up.

Ana pulls me in by my neck connecting our lips. She pulls away. "Your the best husband, best father, best bestfriend I could ever have and I love you will all my heart." She says with a smile on her lips 

I peck her lips.  "And you are the best mother to our children and the best holder of my heart" I  say as I stare deeply in her beautiful blue yes that our children had taken.

Those beautiful blue eyes are everything

I love everything about this woman. Everything. Her flaws and all. 

I love her shyness, her love for people, her kindness, her humongous heart, she cares for people no matter what they have done and most of all I love that she loves me just as much asI love her.

I love her and no one is gonna change my mind about that. 

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