Your mother is what? Chapter 13

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Anna's POV:

"So, are you you gonna tell me why you didnt show up at school?" Luke asks

"I dont know if it's my secret to tell but I'm gonna tell you anyways" I say

Luke sits on the bed beside me and I fold my legs and face him.

"My moms pregnant" I blurt out.

"Your moms what?" He asks "Pregnant?" He finishes

"Mmh" I say nodding my head.

"That's crazy" he says plopping backwards on the bed.


I swear a light bulb just came over my head.

I scoot over and go over his body sitting on his lap.

His body instantly tenses up.

He moves his upper body sitting up right.

"What are you doing Anastasia"

"Oh nothing" I say moving my face closet to his.

"Kiss me" he says

"Mmmhm" I say putting my finger on my chin acting like I'm thinking. "No"

"Kiss me" he says more demanding.

"No" I say trying to sound like him, which kinda comes out with my voice cracking.

"Anastasia do as your told"

Before I could say something he grabs my chin pulling me closer.


I immediately crash my lips onto his.

He kisses me back roughly with need as his teeth bite my lip.

My body thinks before my mind I started grinding on him.

He pulls away from the kiss groaning.

He starts kissing and sucking on my neck while I grind myself in him.

I could feel my vagina getting wet by just dry humping him.

A moan left my lips coming out louder than expected.

He comes back up and starts kissing me pationately, his tongue slips in my mouth exploring it.

I don't bother fighting for dominance seen as how he's already won.

All of a sudden I feel something build up in my lower stomach.

"Oh my gosh" I moan after pulling away from the kiss.

"Don't cum" he says before coming back to my lips.

How can I not cum, oh gosh, this must be how the girls in books feel but damn do i feel good but I need my release.

"Luke" I moan in our kiss

I could feel myself getting closer by the second.

"I said don't cum" he orders.

"I can't-,I can't do this" I say before I released in my underwear letting out a moan.

Trying to catch my breath in open my eyes to meet raging green ones looking right at me.

"What did I tell you" he says

"Not to cum?" I question

"Exactly, so why did you?"

"I couldn't hold it in any longer, I'm sorry Luke I just couldn't" I say

He was gonna say something before we heard a knock at the door.

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