Not great Ana: Chapter 71

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Luke's POV:

"You probably should have called before you left, you know" Eric says coming to sit beside me.

"It was way too early and I didn't want to wake her" I state

"So it's just gonna be a surprise now" I say

"Why are we even leaving now? We haven't caught Alexander yet" he asks

I turn my face to him so I can look him in his eyes when I say this.

"Ana needs me right now and I was not gonna spend another week in Russia looking for that duché bag who's probably gone to another country fleeing Russia cause he's a fucking coward" I finish.

"Okay, okay I get it" he accepts

I nod my head. "She needs me when our girls are gonna be born. You were there when Claire was being born and I want to do the same. How would you have felt if you missed the birth of Claire?"

"I would feel like I have failed Gia and that is not a good feeling. Which I don't want to ever know what that feeling feels like" he shakes his head.

"Exactly. That's why I'm going home early"

I lift my left wrist looking at my watch for the time.

1 hour and 43 minutes left of this flight. Then I'll be able to finally see my family in person.


I sigh as I set foot on the ground taking a quick word of the fresh air.

Interrupting my moment my phone starts making noise like crazy.

I take it from my pocket and there were miss calls from Ana, Gia and Alexia.

What the hell?

"Umm I just got my notifications showing that Gia and Ana were calling did you too?" Eric asks coming down the stairs of the jet.

I nod my head before pressing on the notification. It starts calling Ana and it rings.

The phone was instantly picked up and the sound of heavy breathing was heard.

"Luke Henderson!"

My eyes shot open wide at her outburst.

"Where the fuck have you been?! Do you know how long I have been calling you?! I've been in labour for three fucking hours and you wouldn't answer your damn your phone! Get your ass on a plane and get here now!" Ana shouts through the phone.

Fuck. She's in labour. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

"Im on my way okay baby I'll be there" I say quickly as I motion for Eric to follow me to the car.

"Your not gonna be here in the next 10 hours so you better make that plane go faster than it's even been or I swe-

"Ohkaay I think that's enough of you cussing out your fiancé. Hey Luke it's Kara here. She in a lot of pain and her hormones are all over the place. Don't mind her cussing it's totally normal" Kara explains.

"Now if you don't mind I think it's way that you get here as quick as possible" she says

"I'll be there I'm already off the plane" I say

"Great" she says before hanging up the phone.

I put the phone on my pocket as I get in the car. Eric starts the engine before driving off.

I'm sweating. Why am I sweating?

Maybe cause your gonna be a father soon.

Probably why.

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