We didn't have sex: Chapter 14

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Ana's POV:

I give Luke a long passionate kiss before pulling away.

"I'll see at school tomorrow" I say pushing him out the door.

"Didn't know you wanted to get rid of me that much" he says pouting.

Why is he so cute.

"It's not that, I'll text you later and explain" I say closing the front door.

They know.

I can tell.

They have been looking at Luke and I weirdly since we came downstairs.

They have been exchanging looks and smirking at each other when Luke and I talk.

They most definitely know.

I try to sneak past them to go up the stairs and into my room.

Like I said, "try to" .

"And where do you think your going young lady?" My Dad ask folding his arms at the bottom of the stairs.

I turn around slowly. "I was gonna use the bathroom"

"Cut the shit. We heard you, infact I'm pretty sure the whole neighborhood did!" He says

"Go sit on the couch. Now!"

I do as he says and speed walk over to the couch where my mom is sitting in another couch, which is directly Infront of me.

I'm gonna get scolded.

How can I get scolded for feeling pleasure?

This is just f-ed up.

I look up at him before speaking

"Before you guys start lecturing me. Let me explain, we were not having sex just to clear that up" I say feeling proud about my statement.

My dad huffs. "Like we're supposed to believe that. We could hear you moaning!"

"Now hold on honey don't lose your shit" mom says getting up from the couch.

She walks over to him and holds his hands which seems to calm him down.

That's the love I want.

"Now Anastasia, what your father is trying to say is that 'if you weren't having sex what were you doing?'"

My face gets red of embarrassment.

I gonna have to tell my parents that thier bosses son finger fucked me in their house with them below us.

"Well this is gonna be awkward, but it kinda already is-

"Get to the point" my Dad growls

"He fingered me" I say with my head down.

"And you've never been fingered?" My mom asks surprised.

"What do you think I am? A whore"

"No it's just unbelievable. But next time-

"There won't be a next time" my Dad says

I get up off the couch and stand Infront of my Dad leaving space between us.

"I've said this way too many times but it seems like it just goes through one ear and comes through the next so let me make it clear this time.You are not stopping me from seeing Luke!" I say before storming off to my room.

I open my door and slam it behind me before leaning my back against it and slide down bursting into tears.

I'm a very emotional person if you haven't noticed.

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