Why is he here?: Chapter 38

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This was Ana's outfit btw.

Luke's POV:

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Luke's POV:

As I lay in Ana's bed waiting for her to come home the room door opens making me perk up but it wasn't her making my face fall.

It was Ace.

I don't like him. He's too close to Ana.

He's giving Ana hugs with his hands too low. Im the only one who should be touching down there.

He has a girlfriend what does he want with mine.

"What do you want with Lilah?" He asks.

That goddamn name. I swear if anyone else calls her that I'm gonna punch them in their face.

"Her names Ana" I say

"Whatever you want to call her" he says

"Back to my question. What do you want with her?" He asks once again.

"That's none of your fucking business" I growl.

"Well it is when she's my bestfriend" he says

I scoff. "Bestfriend? You?" I say

"Is there a problem with that?" He asks.

"Well I remember her having only two bestfriends and your not one of them" I say standing from the bed.

"What the hells that supposed to mean? She said she didn't have any friends" he says with a confused look on his face.

"See you know nothing about Ana. Nothing."

"Says the person who broke her heart" he says

"Oh is that what she told you? Because I didn't, she did. She left without telling anyone. She didn't tell me, her bestfriends, her parents not her sister. She broke all of us" I say

I could feel the tears forming but I quickly blinked them away.

"I know your lying because she told me she didn't have any siblings and that she and her parents don't talk. I'm not gonna listen to her ex, who's obviously her ex for a reason" he says

He was walking off when I grabbed his shirt pulling him back to me.

I turn him around to face me.

Ana's POV:

"Yeah I know" I say with a smile still on my face.

"Are you calling me a liar!" I hear Luke's voice shout.

Aria and I look at each other with horrific looks in our face.

We run through the hall and up the stairs to see Luke throwing a punch at Ace.

"Luke!" I call out

He instantly stops and look up at me locking eyes.

'Stop' I mouth

I let's go of Ace's shirt. A scowl was on both of their faces as they both looked at us.

Ace walked pass Aria and I going to his room. Aria followed him and I walker over to Luke.

I punch him in the arm. A scowl was now placed on my face.

"I was gone for 4 hours. 4 hours Luke, and you chose to pick a fight with Ace"

I push pass him going into my room.

I put my purse in the bed. "I can't believe you, well I can cause that's just how you are, but still!"

He turns to look at me. "I'm sorry Ana" he says

"My names Li-

"Stop calling yourself that! That's not your name! And we both know that"

"Luke I'm not Ana anymore, just get over it!" I shout.

I really don't mean to shout but I'm getting tired of his shit. Why the hell is he still here anyway.

I told him I'm not going back with him. Why does it make sense stays?

"Why are you still here?" I ask

Before he could answer his phone started ringing.

Great. Just fudging great.

He goes over to the phone and answers it putting it at his ear.

As he talks on the phone I make my way to my drawer taking out my clothes and go into the bathroom.

I turn in the shower and take a minute to look in the mirror.

I take a make up pad and wipe the concealer off my neck reveling Luke's hickey.

I smile spread across my lips as I look at it through the mirror.

He gets me riled up all the time and still give me butterflies.

I think I'm confusing my poor mind.

Ya think?

I take my clothes off then throw them in the laundry basket.

I open the shower door before stepping inside and closing it behind me.

The warm water flows down my back gracefully washing away all the things that happens today.

Should I cut my hair?

Where did that come from?

But it is pretty long and it's hard to deal with especially when I try to braid it.

I'm gonna cut it.

My bathroom door being open snaps me out of my thoughts.

After a little while the shower door opens revealing a naked Like Henderson.

That reminds me. My name is Lilah Henderson.

Why did I use his last name again?

I turn back around with my back facing him.

Why is he even here?

Why do I keep asking myself that?

Just kick him out already.

I feel his dick pressed up against my bare ass making my eyes close.

He stretches his arm taking up my..... what's it call agin that floof thing that you bathe with?

Im just gonna call it a sponge for now.

He takes up the sponge and my body wash squeezing out the body wash onto the sponge.

Why isn't he talking? Why am I not talking?

He places the sponge on my back and starts to move it. Very slowly.

It's soothing to be honest.


Ok I'm like literally crying inside!!

I have 13k views! 13k

I went crazy when I saw how much I had I literally had 3k yesterday and now I have 13k and it's INSANE.

Anyways. I just wanna say thank you for reading my book. It means ALOT.

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