Its a....: Chapter 68

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Ana's POV:

Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

I'm freaking out.

He said he would come back yet he's not here.

Did he leave me.

Oh my gosh! He doesn't want me anymore.

Is it because I'm pregnant?

It is isn't it.

I take another napkin and wipe my tears.

Black is laid out on me while Luana is cuddling me from my neck.

At least I have them. At least they won't abandon me.

But what if they will because their Dada isn't here.

They do love him, just like how I love him.

But what if he don't love me anymore? Is that why he left?

He doesn't love me.

Would you shut up!


I hear the front door opens and my body comes off of the bed instantly.

Luana and Black sits up- their ears now perked up.

Is that him?

I walk over to the room door and open it.

I peep my head outside but there was no one. I walk down the hall until I reach the stairs.

I walk down the stairs. "Luke"
My voice came out softer than I wanted. "Luke" I call again.

"Ana are you okay" he says coming in view.

I sigh with relief. He had blood on his shirt and his nose was bruised.

My face grew concerned as I think about what might have happened to him.

Did someone jump him?

I doubt that.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I ask

He walks closer to me taking off his shirt. He drops it to the floor when he reaches me.

He takes me in his arms hugging my small frame. I relax in his embrace and smile.

"The dickhead stole my phone so I couldn't call you" He says

"I thought you left me" I say softly as a tear ran down my cheek.

He pulls away from me. "I'm never leaving you. Okay? Never"

"What happened?" I ask once again.

"I don't wanna talk about it" he sighs.

He lifts me in his arms bridal style before taking me up the stair case.

(5 months later) 30 weeks pregnant

"Has anyone seen the father of my children?" I ask

Gia gives me a cheeky smile as she looks at me.

"What?" I ask "I have to find him. He need to leave now" I say

We were late for our own babies gender reveal.

"Gia I'm not playing. Where is Luke" I say with a little chuckle causing her to laugh which makes me laugh.

"G-Gia stop. Where is he?" I ask once again.

She points up the stairs and I thank her before leaving. I'm guessing he's in our room.

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