Preparation: Chapter 74

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Ana's POV:

So the theme of the wedding is already decided. The cake, decorations, we have a photographer, my dress, the color of the bridesmaids dresses.

I have not gone to try on my dress yet but I am going today.

Im going with Gia and Aria. I convinced Luke that he didn't have to follow me cause Aria and Gia ate already coming.

I close the wedding planning book and rest it on the kitchen counter.

I look over at Luke who was laid on the couch with our now 9 month old children laid on his chest as he types away on his phone.

I sit there admiring the features of my soon to be husband. How he takes care of our children no matter what happens.

He loves them unconditionally and I'm sure he would do anything for them.

All of a sudden I see his jaw clench and turns off the phone putting it to rest in the arm of the couch.

"What happened?" I ask

He locks eyes with me and shakes his head. "Nothing of your concern" he says

I get up from my chair and walk over to him scooting down to his level. "It is my concern if it's making you scowl" I say

"I'm not scowling, I'm frowning" he says making me chuckle.

"Same difference" I say rolling my eyes.

His tongue does that thing in his mouth before he grips my chin pulling my face to his.

Our lips are inches away from each other as I fight the urge to kiss him.

We stare into each other's eyes as I try to read him. He read something in his phone that really pissed him off and I want to know what.

Your daughters are literally sleeping below you.

"Luke" I say but comes out as a whisper.

"Mmh" he hums

I look down as I see Ashley looking up at us. I smile and Luke follows my gaze.

"Hi" I say and she smiles. She's cute for absolutely no reason.

With those bright blue eyes they are definitely gonna get anything they want when they understand the puppy eye method.


She starts moving and I pick her up from Luke's chest. She needs a diaper change.

"Luke it's your turn to change Ashley" I say

"No I did it last time" he says

"No. I changed Ashlyn and Ashley this morning which means you have to change them this evening. So" I stretch my hands that have Ashley.

"Change her"

He groans. He slowly sits up and picks up Ashlyn in his hands putting her to rest on his shoulder.

"Your coming with me" he says to me.

I shake my head. "No I can't, i have things to do" I say

"I don't want to leave you alone and you have another illusion thingy's you have" he frowns

"I'm gonna be okay, just give me Ashlyn and take Ashley" I say

He takes Ashley from my hands and then gives me Ashlyn. He pecks me on the lips before leaving. I smile before going back over to the kitchen counter.

I sit then pick up my phone. Mom, Gia and Aria should be coming over soon so we can look at some bridesmaid dresses and discuss other things.

I was about to text Gia when she started video calling me. I answer as I smile.

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