Alex: Chpater 28

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Did you know I have I sibling?

I text Luke.

I put down the phone and head over to Luana's bad and pick her up.

My phone ping's notifying I got a text.

I pick up my phone and it's Alex.

A smile crept on my lips as I press the message bubble.

Luana crawls on my lap and cuddles in me.

Hey I'm at the coffee shop down from your house. Wanna join?

The text reads. Idk I literally just found out that my parents have been lying to me my whole fricking life.

😔 I'm sorry. How about you meet me and I'll find a way to cheer you up. He texts back

I sigh before texting back.

Ok I'm gonna leave now.

Ok, I'll see you then.

I put down my phone and get off the bed before taking up my purse then putting on some lip gloss.

I kiss Luana on the head before taking up my phone then dropping it in my purse.

I walk down the hall and stop at my parents door.

I hesitate to knock but did it any way. The door opens revealing Dad but he didn't open it all the way.

"Umm-I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to get coffee" I say

He nods then moves a little causing me to take a glance in the room.

He closes the door and I stand there dumbfounded.

Mom was sobbing on the bed. I'm guessing Dad was trying to comfort her.

I walk away from the door and head downstairs. When I reach I out on the sneakers I had in earlier and take up my keys.

He said he was at the caffe shop down from my house which means he's at Larry's coffee shop.

I get in my car and drive off making my way to the coffee shop.

20 minutes later and I finally reach.

I take up my purse then open the door and step out, closing it behind me. I press the the button the key and it locks the car.

I place the key in my purse then make my way to the shop door.

I walk in the shop and immediately see Aaron. Larry's son. He was wiping down the counter with his head down like always.

I approach the counter and sit on the stool in front of him.

I smile. "Hey Aaron"

He looks up and return the smile. "Hey wassup? I haven't seen you here in like a month and a half. You use to come here to read"

"Well I still read books obvi and I guess because I had a lot doing I never really have the time to come here" I explain

"Soooo, when you say you had a lot doing, do you mean doing Luke Henderson" he says with a smirk

I could feel my face get red from the embarrassment. I guess he's been keeping tabs on me.

I hand was rested on my shoulder causing me to look up.

I was met with blue eyes staring into mine.

"You good?" He ask me

I nod my head before turning back to Aaron.

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