Fight?: Chapter 29

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Ana's POV:

I get out of my car and take up my purse before closing the door.


It still hurts to walk. Luke really fucked me up last night.

I walk through the school gates and into the school compound.

Gia wasn't at our lockers so I went in and start taking out the books I need for my class.


I turn around to Alex.

I nervously laugh. "Hey" I say

A confused look was on his face as he looked at me.

"I'm going to the movies with my brother tonight. Wanna come?" He asks

"Umm" I start to looks round and I see Luke's back turn to me as he talks with Eric and Alex.

"I see, you have to get permission from your boyfriend" he says with a chuckle at the end.

I snap my head back to him quickly. "No,no that's not it at all. It's just that he doesn't like you very much so I don't think he'd let me go" I say with a sorry look on my face.

He sighs. "Yeah, cool"


I turn around. "Gia!"

I open my arms and she runs in them pulling me in a hug.

Luke's POV:

"I haven't seen anyone that looks Russian" Eric says

"Yeah me either" Lex shrugs

"Well I have" I whisper u see my breath

"What?" Eric asks


"You just said something. What did you say?"

"Alex, doesn't he look Russian and he even has a Russian accent you dumbos" I say

"Well yeah, but I didn't pay much attention to it" Lex says

"So why don't you confront him about it then?" Lex says

"Because I told Ana I would make them stay friends because she like him and he's a good friend" I say rolling my eyes

"Well looks like too good of a friend" Lex says pointing over to the other side of the school.

I look around to see Ana, Gia and Alex all laughing with each other.

Eric does the same.

Oh fuck no!

Eric and I basically storm over there till we reach them.

I push Alex away from the girls.

"Get away from my girl" I say. Anger lacing through my voice.

Eric pulls Gia by her waist towards his body.

"What the fuck" he grunts

"Stay the fuck away from them" I growl

By now everyone in the hallway are looking at us. I don't really care though I just don't want this dickhead touching what's mine.

"Luke calm down" I feel Ana's hand gaze mine.

I calm down a little but not fully.

"I wasn't doing anything man, I was just being there friend" he says

"Well I don't like how friendly you are with any of them!" I say emphasizing the friends

I grab Ana's hand in mine.

"Just stay the fuck away from them dickhead!" I growl before turning my back to walk away.

"Pussy" I hear him say

I let go of Ana's hand and turn around throwing a punch in his face.

He held his jaw in his hand as he turned to look back at me.

I hear a lot of whispering going on after I threw the punch. "Oooh"

"Right in the face!"

"Luke Henderson everybody"

"Luke!" I hear Ana

He throws a punch but I quickly grab it before punching him in the stomach continuously.

Then one more hit to the face.

"Hey!,Hey" The principal walks in.

"What's going on?!" He yells

I step away from Alex flashing my wrist that's covered in his blood.

"You got a q-tip?" I whisper to Eric

He goes in his bag and pulls out a whole packet of them. I look at him confused.

"What? I knew one of us was gonna do some shit like this"

He takes the q-tip and swipe the blood off my hand and out it in a zip lock bag then placing it back in his bag.

"Henderson, De'luca! In my office now!"

"Luke why did you do that? Now your in trouble" Ana whispers to me

"I'm gonna be fine" I peck her on the lips before walking towards the Principal with Alex walking behind.

Ana's POV:

After school at Ana's house.

"And now your suspended?" I ask

"Mmmh" he says lying on his back with his hands behind his head.

"Why are you not the slight bit bothered about this?!"

"Because it was all worth it in the end. Wasn't it?" He says

I sigh before moving over to lay on top of him.

I trace my fingers over his chest before he starts speaking sending vibration throughout my body.

"Alexander and his brother, Alejandrino is from the Russian Mafia. That's why I never liked him cause I always knew something was up about him" he says

"How did you know he was from the Russian Mafia?" I ask

"Eric took a blood test when he got home"

"You really didn't have to beat him that bad though Luke" I say

"He wants what's mine, and no one takes what's mine" he growls


He groans. "Just go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning"

He gets up and takes me off of him.

He pecks my lips. "I love you"

"I love you too"

He goes out the window into the night beeeze.

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