Our old relationship: Chapter 48

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Ana's POV:

I took the cereal out of the cupboard and place it on the counter where the milk is.

"Do you know where they are?" I ask Gia as I add the milk to the bowls.

She shakes her head. "No"

After adding the coco puffs (my favorite) I have Gia her bowl and went around to sit beside her.

I put a spoon full of cereal in my mouth before I start speaking. "So have you thought about any baby names?" I ask

"No" she says before putting a spoon of cereal in her mouth.

"Want me to help?"

She thinks for a while before answering. "Sure why not" she shrugs with a smile.

She gets off the stool and go around to the kitchen. She takes a piece of hand towel and a pen.

She comes back around and sits back on the stool.

"Okay. Kelly"


I groan. "Giovanna"

A smile was spread across her face. "I only like that because it sounds similar to my name" She says

"Ok put it down" I say pointing to the hand towel.

She writes it under the girl section before looking up back at me.


"Maybe?" She says

I groan. This is gonna be hard.


After going through a hell amount of names we found a few. Both girls and boys.

We decide to go look for the guys. As we walk Gia turns to me.

"You've been wobbling the whole night. What the hell is wrong with you?" She says stopping in her tracks.

I chuckle then stop 'walking'
"Luke fudged me up because I ignored him for two hours. In my defense he deserved to be ignored.

I was gonna stop ignoring him after 30 minutes but decided I wanted to torture him some more. I now regret it" I explain.

"He fucked you till you can't walk properly because you ignored him?"

I nod.

She starts laughing. "Your walking like a fucking penguin"

I roll my eyes. Enough people have laughed at me today.

We start walking again until we pass a room and hear music playing.

I open the door slowly to the music booming loud.

It seems to be a gym.

Eric and Luke were working out and might I say Luke was the best sight to see.

"Fuck" Gia groans beside me.

I guess it was affecting her aswell. His muscles tightens as he lifts his weights and the sweat dripping down his back making him glisten from the light from the bulb.

"Are you just gonna stand there gawking" Luke says turning around to me.

His hair was frizzy and sweat dripping down his tone, muscular and tattood chest.

I feel my panties get wet at the sight.

Why have I never came in here? This place is so goddamn big I don't even know some rooms exists.

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