Fiancé: Chapter 65

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Luke's POV

My moment has now come. The moment I have been waiting for, for what seems like years.

"I met the love of my life Anastasia on August 19.
Funny to say that we bumped into each other. But that one accident has changed my whole life for the better.

We got to know each other and we were confortable being around each other.
You love the trilogy Fifty Shades. You love animals. And obviously you love me.

You hate when I tickle you. You hate when I roast your favorite movie characters which i find funny. You hate not being around me all the time.

We've had good memories that we always try to remember and we've had bad memories that we try to push at the back of our heads.

Anastasia Dobson you are a very kind person, an open hearted person, a person that will look after you when you really need to and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.

So here I am on one knee to ask you"

I pull the ring from my pocket.

"Anastasia will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"

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"Anastasia will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"



My lips erupt in to a smile as I put the ring on her finger before lifting her up and spinning her.

The crowd erupts in cheers and claps.

I place her back on the ground before cupping her face in my hands.

"You make me so happy" I whisper.

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" I say taking her lips in mine.



"C'mon baby, cum for me"

"Luke" she moans as she cums all over my dick.

Her head lays on my shoulder as she gives me small kisses on my neck.

I pull out of her before bending down.

"Luke no" she says closing her legs.

"They're probably wondering where we are"

I ignore her and open her legs getting a moan from her.

I bury my head in her before my tongue starts it's work.

I felt her hand in my hair as her head falls with a moan.

The taste of my fiancé is fantastic. And I'm the only one to know what it tastes like.

I knock was heard on the door but that didn't stop me.

"Ana, Luke! I know your in there" Gia says

I push my tongue deep in Ana making a glorious moan to rip from her.

I start moving in and out and her hold on my hair gets tighter.

"Shit, oh gosh" she gasps.

Her feet starts shaking uncontrollably as she tries to pull my head away.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, aahhh"

She cums and I make sure to lick up all her juices.


After her orgasm she sighs before looking down at me.

"I love you so much" she says

I smile before standing. She follows my gaze until I'm up right.

I lift her chin to look at me before taking her lips in mine.

I try to deepen the kiss but she pushes me away.

"If we kiss anymore it's gonna lead to more sex" she says

I chuckle before pulling my shorts on.

"Okay baby"

I clean her up before we walk out the room.

We were in our bathing suits so we didn't take long to put them back on.

"There you are" Gia squeals as she sees Ana.


Aria walks up behind Ana but I pretend to not see her.

I had asked Aria and Ace to come here for the proposal but they were running late.

I guess they just got here.

Aria taps on Ana's back and take my hand from Ana's waist giving her space to turn.

She turns and her face immediately light up.

They hug before turning back to Gia.

"Umm Gia this is Aria. Aria this Gia" she introduces them.

Aria puts out her hand to shake.

"Aria I've heard a lot about you" Aria says

Gia takes her hand. "Weird I haven't heard anything about you" Gia says looking at Ana confused.

Ana shrugs. "I didn't really think you would like for me to talk about another friend. I thought you would have gotten jealous" she says

Gia chuckles.

"Whatever, nice to meet you Aria"

"Im going over to the guys okay I love you" I whisper in her ear before kissing her on the cheek.

She looks up at me. "I love you too"

I walk away with a smile on my face as I approach Lex, Eric, Devon and Devon's boyfriend who's name I don't know.


Ana's POV:

I'm so happy I think I might burst.

I was not expecting Luke asking me to marry him.

Well that's the whole point.

And him calling me the "love of his life" just melts me to the ground.

He's also the love of my life.

I couldn't have asked for a better fiancé.

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