Fainted: Chapter 59

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Ana's POV:

"Fuck!" Gia shouts

It's another contraction.

"Hold my hand" Eric says

Just then a nurse walks in. "I don't think that's the best idea" she says

We only here Eric groaning pain making the nurse and I look at him.

Gia had already took his hand squeezing it.

"Ahh Fuck, Fuck! Fucking let go!" He screamed in pain.

A little chuckle left my lips as I watch him in pain.

Luke wasn't here as yet I was starting to get worried. I have called him multiple times and he's still not here.

"Ok so your 5 cm dilated. That's good process so far. I will be back in a about an hour or two to check on you again" she says taking off her blue gloves.

"Umm nurse how long do you think until she's fully dilated?" Eric asks.

"I don't really know. It could be hours, days. Maybe even weeks to be honest. We just have to trust the process" she explains

Wait a damn minute!

You mean you can be in labour for fucking weeks?!

"Wait weeks?" Gia asks with a weak voice.

She's tired.

"Yeah. But let's keep positive thoughts now shall we. Just have a vision of you holding your baby in your hand a few hours from now okay"

Gia nods. "Okay"

The nurse smiles before passing me at the door.

I haven't been feeling great lately but I'm too scared to tell Luke.

He's gonna start worrying and I don't to put him in that situation right now.

I should probably try calling him again.

I take my phone from my pocket and turn it on going to phone.

I press Luke's name and his phone starts ringing.

The phone stops ringing.

"Ana I am so sorry. I was in a bit of a situation and I didn't even realize my phone was ringing. Baby I'm so sorry. I'm on my way to the hospital right now"

"Ana are you there?"

My vision started getting blurry as my feet became weak.


I fell to the ground and before I could close my eyes I see Eric running towards me.

Luke's POV:

"Fucking hell"

I hang up the phone and press on the gas harder than before running a red light.

I finally reach the hospital and I basically run out of the car.

I make my way to the counter and ask for Gia's room. They told me the room and I took the elevator up.

"Where's is she?" I ask entering their room.

"Where is she?" I ask again.

"She's fine Luke just sit down for a little" Eric says

He takes my hand pulling me to a nearby chair. I sit in the chair and try to calm my breathing.

"She fainted. Turns out she hasn't been eating much. And there's aren't my worlds Luke. She told us a while ago" he says

"She's awake?" I ask

"Yeah she is. What me to take you to her?" He asks

"No take care of Gia she needs you" I say

He nods. "Go down the hall it's the first door on the right" he tells me.

I get up from The chair heading done the hall.

Reaching the door I open it and I sigh in relief when I see that's she's ok. I am mad though.


She sighs.

"Why haven't you been eating? I swear is see you put food in your mouth" I say

"Luke I don't know" she answers. "I-I just. I don't have the appetite to eat anymore" she frowns

"I eat and I just vomit it back up so what's the point of eating anyways?"

"You have to eat Ana. Don't starve yourself. I don't want you leaving me anytime soon"
I say

She sighs looking away from me.

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