He's in the Mafia: Chapter 10

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Ana's POV:

I quickly get off of Luke and stand up. My heart is beating so fast I think I might have a heart attack.

"Dad, Mom it's not what it looks like" I say 

Well it is what it looks like

"Get out!" My dad shouts at Luke

"Mr Dobson I want you to know that I have no meaning in hurting your daughter" Luke says defending himself.

" I said get out!" Dad shouts once more

"Dad would you just calm down"

"Anastasia I don't want to hear anything from you" Dad growls

"Honey just stay out if it" my mom says

Luke gets up. Why is he not fighting back? He didn't do anything wrong. Dad is just overreacting.

"Ok I'm gonna leave now but only because I don't want this getting back to my father" Luke says

He walks out my room door and my Dad is looking at me with pure anger.

"Dad I'm turning 17 September I am aloud to kiss someone" I say

"You kissed him?!" Both my parents shout.

Oh shit. I guess they didn't see the kiss. Why did I have to open my mouth?

"Dad, mom just let me explain myself. Luke and I have been hanging out together a lot as friends okay. There was always tension between us and we both ignored it and tonight when I was rambling he kissed me.

You guys are lucky I'm not a slut daughter that runs around and kiss people or worse, have sex with every guy they come in contact with. That was my first kiss and you guys just had to ruin it. Especially you Dad!" I finish

"Honey I'm sorry for your Dads reaction it's just that-

"What mom?" I ask

"When your Dad was younger he umm he joined the Mafia and-

"Stop Alexia" Dad says sternly

"She has the right to know if you your gonna stop her from seeing Luke!" Mom says turning to him.

My face then turns confused by her words. He can't do that.

"Wait what? Your gonna stop me from seeing Luke? No no that's not gonna happen. No. Plus why do I have to stop seeing Luke?"


"You know what I don't even wanna hear it. Just get out of my room" I say snapping at both of them.

"Excuse me?" Dad says with anger in his voice.

"You heard me, get out" I say

"Anastasia Jane Dobson you do not speak to your parents like that" Mom says

"Well you guys don't get to keep big secrets like these to yourself" I say

"Now just please get out so I can cry myself to sleep" I say feeling my eyes start to tear up.


"Now Mom!"

They finally comply and leave with closing my door behind them.

I plop down on my bed face down on the pillow. Why does my life have to be so fucked up?

"Aaahh" I scream into the pillow until all the tears came crashing down.

Kitten crawls up onto the bed and laid on my back.

I cried the rest of the night until my eyes became heavy and tired.

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