Shopping for Baby: Chapter 56

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Ana's POV:

After Luke's and I conversation about the B A B Y we went to sleep.

Im not sure he realized that he fell asleep. But whatever at least I got some nice cuddling last night.

I turn around in his arms trying not to wake him.

My eyes trail to his neck where I left my love bites from yesterday.

"He's mine" I whisper

All mine!

"Im yours" he says

My eyes widen. "I thought you were asleep" I say

"I've been awake since 6" he says opening his eyes.

It's now after 8 in the morning.

Was he thinking about having the baby?

My face lights up from just thinking about it.

"Were you thinking about it?" I ask smiling.

He looks at scrunching his nose. "What exactly is 'it'?"

"The baby" i whisper still smiling.

He chuckles. "Yeah I did actually"


"I guess so"

Without even thinking my hands were wrapped around him hugging him as tight as I can.

I place hurried kisses all over his face before stopping at one point. "I love you Luke Henderson"

"I love you too Anastasia Dobson"


"Are you coming or not?" I ask

I want  to go to the mall but he won't come with me.

"No Anastasia for the last time" he says for the fifth time. "I have work to do" he says

I sigh before going in my drawer and start looking for clothes.

As I am looking I get an idea.

I bet this'll make him come.

I take out my clothes and start changing.

I turn around to him with a smirk in my face

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I turn around to him with a smirk in my face.

"Do you like?" I ask

He looks up from his phone and his eyes meet mine after looking over my outfit.

"Your not wearing that to the mall are you?" He asks

I nod. "Yeah I am" I say in an obvious tone.

"Fuck it. I'm coming" he says then jumps off the bed going to his shoes.

I smile in victory as I take up my black purse.

I knew it would work.

And that's how you do it.

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