Hospital: Part One Chapter 51

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Luke's POV:

I'm gonna kill that motherfucker. Why he fuck is he even tracking her down?

I swear if Alexander puts his fucking filthy hands on Ana I'm gonna kill him with my bare hands.

"How much longer?" I ask the driver, who's name I don't know.

Why is it taking so long to reach.

"We're here" he says taking a parking spot.

I quickly get out of the car not sparing the driver a glance. I make my way towards the hospital.

As I strut in the hospital my heart suddenly starts to beat faster and my mind comes up with the worst scenarios.

What if I lose her.

What if she was on surgery and died on the table.

Aria didn't tell me the whole story. Probably it's that bad that she couldn't even tell me.

I stop walking, close my rayes and take a deep breath removing all the bad thoughts in my head.

I then open my eyes and walk up to the counter that had a nurse behind it.

"Where's the room that Lilah Henderson is in" I try to ask nicely.

Im guessing she used her fake name because she's in New York but whatever.

She looks up at me with list filled eyes. "I can show you a different room" she says with a smirk.

I slam my hands on the counter.

I tried being nice.

"Woman I'm not fucking playing! Where is my fucking my wife?!"

I shout catching everyone's attention.

She flinched at my outburst and yup in her little computer before looking back up at me with now fear filled eyes.

"I umm she's in room 403 on the 5th floor" she says

I quickly walk towards the elevator and go in. I press the button that had 5 on it and the elevator starts moving.

My phone starts ringing and I take it out of my pocket before cursing then answering. "What?" I growl

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my fucking way" I growl before hanging up and putting the phone back in my pocket.

The doors to the elevate opens and I waste no time in getting out. As I walk around the halls, looking for her door I have no luck so far.

I finally reach the 400 isle and I walk looking at every door.

399, 400, 401, 402,


I burst open the door and see a red eyed Aria sitting beside a lake Ana who's eyes are bleed and a bunch of wires attached to her.

My heart breaks just seeing her like that.

"Get out" I growl at Aria


" i said get the fuck out!"

She hurries out and closes the door behind her.

I walk over to Ana and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Oh Ana.

I sit in the chair beside her taking her hand in mine.

I press my lips on her knuckles as a tear run down my cheek.

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