2 can play

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Damn he really ain't fucking with me I thought to myself . It was driving me crazy that Santana was ignoring me . The shoe was on the other foot and I didn't like it . I dialed his number for the second time it went straight to the voice mail . Okay cool two can play that game .. my phone rung I got excited I thought it was Santana calling me back I was disappointed when it wasn't him instead it was my good friend from the gardens "brandy " she recently moved back to Baltimore and we been linking up ever since . I answered the phone .. what's up girly I spoke . What's up what you doing she asked .. none Just laying here . You got the girls ? Naw Mario got them . Let's go out for some drinks . That was right up my alley I needed a few to get my mind off Santana . Okay I'm about to get ready . Ight I'll be there in an hour brandy said. Ight I said hanging up . I got up picked out my outfit and took a shower then I sat at my vanity and curled my long hair . I place my hair up in a up and down style . After getting dressed I sprayed on some smells goods . 15 minutes later brandy was honking the horn . I left out the house and got in her car . You look cute boo she told me . Thanks boo I told her . I took a few selfies of myself and posted them on my Instagram. Caption : face card valid 😏... within 5 minutes I was at 1 k likes and 75 comments . We rode around for about 25 minutes then we finally pulled up to a club . This bitch can't never go to a bar she always wanna ease her way to a club I thought to myself . I heard this club is low key and a vibe brandy said to me as she unbuckle her seat belt . We shall see I said unbuckling mine and getting out her G -wagon . The two of us walk towards the club the line wasn't long we was inside less than 5 minutes. Inside the club was a different story . It was definitely packed. We walked to the bar and I was already ordering me 2 shots of casamigos and a Long Island. I passed the bartender my money. She gave me my drinks . You very pretty she said winking at me . Thanks I told her .. the Dj was killing it he was playing hits left to Right. Girl the nigga just invited us to vip brandy said in my ear over the loud music . I'm good right here I said to her I hated when she acted like a groupie . Kree pleaseeeeee she begged and gave me the puppy dog look . I couldn't help but laugh at her. Come on girl I said grabbing my shot and Long Island .. the two of us made our way to vip . Enjoy y'all self ladies the security guard said to us . His eyes was glued to me . I gave him a smile and walk inside vip. Brandy began pulling my hand to a sectional of people . I sat down and drunk the rest of my shot .. This my song brandy yelled as she started whining her hips . Sean Paul I'm still in love bumped through the speakers . Ayeeeee get it I said hyping brandy up . I'm still in loveeeee with youuuu boyyy I sung the words to the song. I bop my head and snapped my fingers and start grinding on the sofa. My mood instantly changed when I saw Santana and his crew walk into vip . Santana was holding some bitch hand . Aw yeah it's like that huh I thought to myself. I had to shake the salt off my face I could see me getting mad . I stood up to leave . Where you going the nigga who section we was in asked me . I need some air I told him . He stood up and grabbed my hand . I never paid attention to how fine he was until now . I got you sweetheart we can go out front he told me . Where y'all going brandy asked us. I just need some air I told her . You ready he asked me . Yeah I said to him . Just as we was walking out the door Santana called my name ..

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