My Way

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           Standing there, grinding my teeth, watching my people be blown apart enraged me. Just staring at my own reflection in the window, not being able to do a thing was pissing me off.

An explosion went off on the side of the ship and rocked the ship again. Some screamed in fear, others nearly fell to their feet, and I? I just stood there. A solid, stable pillar, not an inch moved.

 Not even phased, as I came into this type of scenario quite often.

        I took a deep breath in as I closed my eyes, my head lowered a bit and my eyebrows scrunched as I sighed.

If I only knew then how much it was going to be worth getting trouble for what I was about to do next, because what I did next was the next step in life I needed and never knew.

   I knew what was right.

      Another deep breath in, I opened my eyes, grabbed my hood and flipped it over my head in determination. I turned on my heel and began walking for the elevator, feeling everyone's eyes on me as I walk pass them.

My gaze shifts at them under my hood and I could have sworn I caught Ziza smirking after me.

"Your Highness? That's not the way to the shuttle station...?", I heard someone call as I stepped into the elevator.

I turn and with a quick tilt of my head, it shuts in their face. When I turn to the panel of the buttons beside me, I concentrate enough to make the one I needed light up blue.

The elevator shifts to life with a hum and drops me down to level 34. The whirring sounds indicate I'm slowing down, then the door opens with a hiss into the hanger level.

Outside the doors, the clones are directing ships to take off while some are just jumping into the seat and taking off.

        Most of them had already taken off but there were still a select few that were available.

 I scanned the floor for any sign of my Father but saw nothing. And Echo had already taken off, so I had to fly solo on this one.

Leaving the elevator, my black cloak flowed around me with every step I took. Alarms continued all around me as Jedi and clones alike prepared themselves. I hid behind some crates as a group of clones ran pass me.

When their gone, I pull my hood around my face and hurried my little 5'4 body across the way to the line of ships waiting.

   I cross my arms and look over my options; a couple X-Wings which were fast but not as effective. A U-Wing would be too big of a target-

Sighing in frustration, I looked around thinking these are my only options then I see it; a Starfighter staring me in the face on the end.

I felt the smirk spread across my face before I knew it and rushed over to it. One last check over my shoulder, then I turned and waved my hand over and the hatch opened with a hiss.

"Open says me", I raised an eyebrow. Flinging my cloak away, I put my foot up on the bar and begin pulling myself up.

    The sudden cocking of a blaster behind me made my eyes go wide. "Stop! Get down, pull your hood off and let me see your hands, now!"

I did as he said and jumped down, my hands in the air above my head. I pull my hood down carefully and turn to him, a nervous smile on as I shrugged.

The clone towering above me's shoulder's slumped, obviously done with my shit, and pulled his blaster away from me immediately.

"Oh, for God's sake, Princess!", he yells as he walks away.

"Rex! Wait a minute, let me explain!", I began to follow him.

"No need!", he threw his hand over his shoulder. "When it comes to you, the less I know-the better. And I don't feel like getting in trouble today-"

He stops suddenly and I almost run into him. He points down at me, "You know your Father has you under a no-fly list, right?"

    I roll my eyes and follow him as he begins walking again. "Yes, Rex, I know this. Thank you for reminding me."

"Then that's it. Your Father will have my ass on a Bezkar platter. There's nothing I can do", he shrugged back at me as he reached his X-Wing.

"Rex, please! I will never let him know, I'll never ask you for anything ever again", I shook my head.

I heard him sigh from inside his helmet." Oh, so now you want us to both break protocol?"

"It isn't the first time, and it won't be the last", I shook my head and shrugged." Shit, I'll take it if I gotta. I'm gunna do what I gotta do."

      I turned on my heel to walk away and back to the ship.

"Princess!", he hissed, grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

Our backs hit the wall right as some officers of my Father's walked around the corner, their guns cocked and waiting. They were looking for me.

Word must have gotten around that I was'nt seen in the shuttle hanger.

They began to walk away, and I sent a silent nod to him as he released my arm.

He just stared at me then shook his head. "Your reckless, Princess. What happens if it all comes back?"

"I won't let that happen, I promise you", I answered.

        He sighed again, defeated, and reached down to undo the Velcro hip holster on his hip. Then he held it out to me." Here. Take this with you... just in case. You never know."

I smiled as I took it and scoffed," Come onnn, me?"

 Flipping my cloak aside to strap it to my hip, I let him see my light saber is with me, hanging from my belt and I felt him untense and nod.

"You know how cautious I am", I smirked. He stood and held his hand out to help me to my feet which I accepted.

"Just watch yourself, Princess. Be careful", he nods. I smirk and pull my hood over my head again.

"Always", I nod back and turned to walk away.

"First round is on you!", he called. I cracked a smile and I threw a fist in the air back to him.

"May the Force be with you too", I shook my head.

      I strode up to my Starfighter and grab the bars to climb in. The hatch rode back down and sealed above me.

Quickly tying my hair back up, my curtain bangs came down to tickle my nose. Brushing them away, I grab my headset and adjust it before I flipped the switch to the computer system on.

 All sorts of lights and electronics roared to life around me and I disconnect to the radio tower so no one can track me.

      Engine one and two flipped on, I flipped a U-ey towards the entrance and a clone started to wave the green light to me.

I excelled forward, going faster and faster until everything started getting blurry and I flew off the end of the tarmac into the fight.


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