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         As soon as I step off the elevator, the scent of leather mixed with sweat hits me. The room is full of younger padawans watching Anakin and another student in the center of the mat.

 He was teaching Soresu again: different ways to block and when to go for a strike. If your tire your enemy out quick enough with strategic strikes you can make yourself an opening.

"Wait until your close enough. If you don't and throw every ounce of stamina into one swing-"

He ducks the kid's swing and rolls under to knock him off his feet.

"Then they'll have a better advantage and catch you off guard", he explains standing over him."Come on."

The kid grabs his hand as he hauls him to his feet. 

I walk in and lean on the wall to watch, arms crossed.  Anakin looks up from the kid and sees me standing there. His eyes go from dark to light blue but his eyes don't leave me as he stands straight again. I did'nt want it to end, but he spins his saber around him before walking back to the center of the mat.

"Again", he nods to the kid then gets into position.

 Ahsoka walks up and leans on the other side of the wall.

"Hey, um-what the hell was that?", she asks.

"Nothing", I turn away.

"Like you were'nt just eye fucking each other", she nods. I shoot her a glare.

"What is it today?", I change the subject. She narrows her eyes but finally drops it.

"Just Soresu for today. Tomorrow we have a class with older kids for Jar'Kai", she shrugs.

Left and right block, overhead swing then he leaned back to avoid the boy's blade. He comes back even harder but the boy blocks at last second though and he backs away.

"Good", he nods. 

He was wearing the same shirt with no sleeves again, and I nearly choked on my own saliva when he sighed and pulled it up to wipe his face before dropping it again.

"Alright, would anyone else like to try before we move on?", he asks. He turns around and no one answers. He nods and steps to the center.

"Were going to be working on something a little harder but we come into contact with a lot-which is fighting an opponent 2 or even 3 times bigger than you. So I'm going to demonstrate with my own padawan for show", he says and waves her up."Snips?"

        Ahsoka kicks herself up from the wall and walks toward him. I watch as his gaze shoot between us. It's subtle, but I see a mischievous look twinkle in his eyes and my stomach did a flip.

"Actually-", he cocks his head. Ahsoka stops and scrunches her eyebrows at him in confusion.

"Nova", he calls, tilting his head at me. Everyone turns to me and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Switch places with Ahsoka if you would", he says. He steps back in the middle of the mat and swings his saber around.

My eyes narrow as I lick my teeth, but eventually push myself off the wall.  Glancing at Ahsoka as she passes me, she shrugs. I roll my eyes and leisurely make my way onto the mat.

He watches me until were standing a few feet away from each other.
I shake my head in disbelief as I could'nt believe I was doing this.

"Now, as you can see, our Princess here is much smaller than myself and could easily be taken down. But don't let her dwarfism fool you-

"I would watch what you say to me", I nod. He smirks.

"But if you know what your doing", he continues as he steps forward."You can walk away."

Our gaze locks as he ignites his saber. I pull mine off my clip and the Amethyst blade erupts out of the end. 

I hold it to my side as we circle one another, looking for a way in. 

He scoffs. "Are we dancing, or are you going to take a shot, Prin-"

"Ever heard of 'silence is intelligence'?", I shake my head.

"Guess we'll have to see our level of intellect then", he shrugs. I smile sarcastically.

1 heartbeat.
2 heartbeats.

I see his eyes grow dark, then without warning he throws an overhead swing down towards me. I block and our sabers crackle in front of our faces until I shove him away. 

Once I get a good swing going for momentum, I jump back in and we block hits left and right. He swings for my legs, I jump to avoid the blade and swing up.

He blocks and goes right. Denied. I jab toward his shoulder and kept going. He sneaks behind me and I throw my saber behind my back to block. Denied.

He holds his weapon high above his head before bringing it down, but when I roll out of the way his lightsaber hits the floor instead.

When I look up, I could tell he was getting frustrated. I jump up to block another hit and hold it until I can turn and elbow him in the ribs.

He gasps and stumbles away. When he straightens he glares and paces.

"What's wrong? Getting tired? Did'nt think I'd last this long?", I smirk as we circle each other.
He smirks back and scoffs murderously. "Oh, don't worry-were only getting started, Princess."

Then he launches at me. I laugh as I block hit after hit.

"Come on, let's stop and save you the embarrassment", I offer. He holds his saber to mine and grunts as he Force pushes me away. 

I catch myself, sit up to catch the aggressive hits from above. 1-2-3-4, I won't break and he hates it. I hold the last one back with everything in me.

"Yield!", he yells. I grunt and shove him back.

I begin stalking toward him."You yield!"
 A 3-combo spin behind my back and I turn into a backwards swing meant for his neck but miss.

He stumbles back, a shocked or impressed look engulfs his face as I do his very own trick.

I smirk and goes for another counter, but he ducks and our weapons clash together. He kicks my leg out from under me and I hit the mat, my lightsaber fall out of my hand and switches off next to me.

Everyone in the room gasps as he points his saber at my neck and glares down at me. 

Ok, maybe doing his move better than him was a little too far.

"It's over. I win", he cocks his head.

I prop myself up on my elbows and glare back.

He smirks and turns to the class."Can anybody tell me what she did wrong here?"

I glare at daggers at the back of his head as he tries to make me an example. Then I realized I wanted nothing more than to wipe that stupid, self assured smirk off his face.

He wants a show? Alright, I'll give him a show.

I place my palms on the mat and flip myself up onto my feet in a crouch position. Everyone turns to me and Anakin spins around. My arm extends and my lightsaber snaps into my palm. When I stand, I throw it like a boomerang and he ducks just in time.

When he turns back his eyes are wide with alarm. I back flip away and stand with my hand out. My weapon returns to my palm and I smirk, shaking my head. I wave it at him.

"You don't know everything", I say.
"Aturu", he nods."That's cute."

Anger takes over his features as he stalks toward me. I mimic him as we raise our weapons in the center of the mat.

"ENOUGH!!", Ahsoka yells as she jumps in the middle of us.

We glare into each others souls as she looks between us. Neither one of us stand down for a few moments and everyone is dead silent. I glance at her before putting my arm back down at my side.

If looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under right now.

It switches off and I take a step back, scoffing as I looked around.

"Now it's over. Got what you wanted? You really don't know everything", I shake my head. I knock into his shoulder as I walk away.

"What is the matter with you?!", Ahsoka grits her teeth at her Master.

It was hard to ignore the feeling of fire spreading through my chest from touching him, but I push it away and clip my lightsaber back onto my belt. I could'nt help but stop and look back over my shoulder in shock.

We really just tried to kill each other...again.

The way his eyes change color when he sees me makes my blood run cold. I really do need to just stay away from him.

I release a breath I did'nt know I was holding and left the temple before I missed my fitting appointment.

Destruction of the Innocent (Anakin Skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now