The Stranger

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I was welcomed straight into the battle with eager arms. Immediately there was a group of hunting vulture droids on me, so I did a big turn to avoid them, but they chased me.

When I did a spin to the right, it made one crash into another one of his own buddies and they blew up.

When I leveled out again, I steered straight for General Grevious's ship.

One handed, I turned my signal on and typed in #0714 waiting for the signal to reach.

"General Obi Wan? This is General Godfrey, do you copy?", I called, avoiding the blast of ships colliding. The other three were still following me.

A disappointed sigh filled my headset which was the only reason I knew it had reached.

"Sorry I'm late?", I offered, swerving to avoid a crash. Another droid hits a ship and explodes. Two more.

"Well, I hope you have a perfectly good reason because we are literally getting our asses handed to us!", Obi Wan all but screeched.

" 'How's collared by the parental unit sound'?", I scoffed. "Echo? You copy?"

"Heya, Pyro, was beginning to worry there", he answered.

"If things get too hectic here you guys have full permission to fall back", I said.

"Yes, Commander", several other voices followed besides Echo's and I returned to my main objective; get to the ship.

I shoot at another ship as I pass by, continuing forward before the damage could engulf me.

There were more vulture droids out here than Rebels and I didn't like that.

    I turned to duck under a piece of debris in hopes of losing the other two, but they were faster and avoided it with ease.

So, I turned on the boosters and spun around to were I'm behind them and took them both out with the blasters.

"Enough of that shit", I muttered, zipping away from the wreckage.

"Flying is for droids", I heard Obi Wan mumble, then the sound of what sounded like a nearby droid going off on him, big-time.

    A smooth, amused chuckle took over the airwaves then.

"Easy, R2. It's alright, Master. It's almost over. I know you don't like flying", he said.

"No, but I don't want to make this any longer than it needs to be, so form up", Obi Wan answered.

Within seconds, Obi Wan was to my left in a yellow starfighter, as another red on pulled up to my right. It's windows were a bit more tinted than Kenobi's so I couldn't see inside but behind them were a fleet of X-Wings in-toe.

My eyebrows scrunch in both confusion and curiosity. I pull my microphone closer to my mouth.

"I'm sorry, who am I speaking with?", I said.

"Don't worry about it", he snapped back. My mouth dropped open as I look over to the red ship. 

"Oh, shit", I heard Echo's voice get high in the background.

    "Excuse me?! ", I scoffed." You clearly have no idea who you're talking to, do you?"

"Should I care?"

The audacity.

That sentence.

 That statement started it all.

That's what I should've heard and walked out the door, slammed it even. But no, I took that door and walked straight in, and locked it behind me.

"Enough! The both of you! Task! At! Hand!", Kenobi interrupted us. I took a deep breath and realized he was right. With a roll of my eyes, I turn away from the red ship to drive my own.

    "The ship is dead ahead", Obi Wan says.

"Locking on", I answered, my radar going from red to green on my dashboard.

 "Ignore his arrogance, General, he's just excited", Obi Wan offers, and I smirk silently.

"I can hear you", the other guy growled.

"Hear this", I smirked, then thunked my middle finger against the glass at him in his ship.

       We flew through what felt like a sea of vulture droids, I did my best to just swerve around them and save the real fire power for up front. A couple X-Wings were hit and taken out however, not to mention some had turned around to follow us.

"Uhh, Pyro? I got some creepin up on me back here. He's already gunnin for my left engi- Oh. Uh, never mind. There it went", Echo says in the calmest panic ever. "Shit."

I dive straight down in my ship and around my group to the very back, setting the machine gun laser on whatever stragglers were left.

Once they all blew apart, I flew next to Echo.

"Could you make it back to the ship?", I looked over to him.

His engine was a black smoking mess. Completely torn apart.

"Maybe. If I'm lucky", he answered, looking down his wing at the damage.

"Alright, go back to hanger 34. I'll handle this and meet back up with you", I nodded his dismissal.

"I meant, I think could make it to his ship, Commander. With all due respect, I'm not going anywhere", Echo answered.

The airwaves were silent as they waited on my call, but I was speechless.

I forced myself to swallow this bomb of power I've just felt and sat up straight.

"Alright, start heading up. When I say drop, turn your booster on and it'll coast you into the ships hanger-go!", I explained. He went straight up and flew above us like I said. I nodded to him then faced forward in time.

"Missiles! Pull up", said the stranger in the red starfighter next to me. Little blue streaks flew around my windows leaving little spots dancing in my eyes from how bright, but I shook my head.

"They overshot us!", Obi Wan called.

"Yes, but their coming back around", I mention, looking down at my radar flashing red which meant 'incoming".

    "Alright, nothing too fancy, R4", Obi Wan winced as his droid took over his ship to avoid the missile aimed for his ship.

"Serge all power units, R2! Were gunna need everything we've got!", said Obi Wans apprentice.

Well, shit. They're out here with droids to handle it, it's nothing in here but me and this shit-box of a radar system.

The guy in the red ship takes off spinning ahead in a spiral and I see the two headed for his ship collided and explode. His droid chirps excitedly over the radio.

"We got em, R2", he chuckled to him. 

I want to smirk in victory but it's not over yet.

        Thankfully, the two other missiles flew past Obi Wan and hit a new pack of buzz droids.

Yeah? Well, they've landed all over Obi Wans ship and cut his power.

"I'm hit!", he called. "Get to the ship! Get the Chanceller!"

I froze as I hear this.

 Why would the Chanceller be held hostage here? There's something not adding up here. Clearly there was something my Father didn't want me to be here for today, and I'm definitely finding out why.

My eyebrows scrunch in concentration as the red ship, and I dive down after Obi Wan.

"Move to the right so I can get a good shot", his apprentice said, surging closer. He then began trying to shoot them off, but instead shot Obi Wans wing off.

"WHAT THE HELL!?", Obi Wan screamed into his headset.

"Hold your fire! It's not helping-bad idea! Bad idea!", I yelled into my headset back.

"I agree", the stranger answered.

Nearby a ship crashed into a part of another ship and the explosion stretched across my whole ships window. I could actually feel the heat inside so much, sweat started to form on my face, arms, and neck.

      I managed to fly through though perfectly fine and followed the other two.

"Get out of here, the both of you! There's nothing more you can do!", he tried to reason with us.

"I'm not leaving without you!"

We flew side by side next to Obi Wan. His apprentice just started trying to knock the buzz droids off with his ship, but they crawled onto his ship too.

One was trying to attack his apprentice's droid now.

" You're going to get us all killed!", Obi Wan yelled. I silently agreed.

Think of something, Nova. Think of something. Think of something-likE NOW. LIKE QUICK-

I closed my eyes and make a ball with my fist. Then I imagine all of them exploding at once and sprawled my fingers out. When I opened my eyes, I watched them all bust apart and the pieces they were made with go flying into the void. 

"What the-?"

Turning back over my shoulder, I drove with both hands and look to him.

"You alright there, Master?", I said.

"Y-Yes, I-, thank you", he stuttered, and I nod back, turning my boosters on to lead the race ahead of them.
The ship was so close, it was right there.

      "Echo! It's time to fall!", I called.

"On it!", he answered. Above me I saw him start to descend towards us and the ship.

"Wait-wait!", Obi Wan started to say.

 "GENERAL GODFREY,  STOP! FALL BACK!" , his yelled his apprentice from the other ship.

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