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The elevator stops on the infantry level. Below me,  fireworks go off in the streets of Coruscant and I turn over my shoulder to see gold sparks illuminate and die off. 

It made me smile. Because at least I knew that even in our darkest times our city will show our strength-regardless of what may be thrown our way. It reminded me, that I too, must do the same. As Padme has said; a city is only as strong as their leader.

The city has taken a few days to rebuild and we are almost finished. I sought to it that they fixed the electrically boxes in every sector before they moved on with anything else. The transportation system was also hit pretty badly. I went out yesterday with my Mother to hand out food to our newly homeless and made note of houses that needed it desperately.

Worst of all, was the fact that we lost more clones in one night than we have in the two years prior. The strange part is, most of them did not die from gunshot wounds or light saber damage-some were self inflicted. 

   The door open and I walk out into the lobby, the soldiers turn at my attention.

"Your Highness", one of them nods. I relax my suspicious gaze and nod in dismissal,  making my way down the row. The last two open the door for me, and inside, my Father turns over his shoulder. A smile crosses his face as he turns.

"It's good to see you", he says.

"And you", I nod, accepting his hug. He releases me and I raise an eyebrow, "You sent for me?"

"I did", he says. We walk over toward the banister. He sighs, setting his hands on the rail."1,500 clone units-ready for training."

"1,500?", I repeat, turning my gaze back toward the troops."That's not nearly going to be enough.'

'It's all they could send at the moment. They claimed the other 1,500  were undergoing some final training programs', he says. We turn and give each other a look.

"My thoughts exactly", he nods.

"How many did we lose in all?", I ask.

"Over 3,000. Have of those who were wounded have been sent to the Haven medical station for full recovery", he says."I need you in here tomorrow morning as early as possible to help with training."

"Done", I nod.

"In the mean time, I'd like you to keep your distance from Skywalker as much as possible. He's not to be trusted."

My eyes find the floor. I stand straighter. "What have they heard of him?", I ask.

"Master Yoda and the Council have sensed a deep pull from within him towards the dark side. Only that they are maintaining a sharp eye on him, and to remain cautious until he has been fully cleared", he explains.

I pull myself from my thoughts and send him a wry smile."Understood. I think I'm going to be turning in early tonight. I've had a long day, and tomorrow will be even longer."

"I will see you girls for dinner then?", he says.

"I look forward to it", I nod once before pivoting on my heel and walking towards the elevator again.

I step inside and readjust my bag hanging off my shoulder. The doors close in front of me and I poke the inside of my cheek with my tongue.  I cross my arms in thought as only one thing is on my mind now at this moment:

What did Skywalker do that causes this level of distrust?

Destruction of the Innocent (Anakin Skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now