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     "Oh, there he goes." I turn over my shoulder expecting someone else, but instead find Echo walking up to Cora on the other side of the room, a glass of champagne in each hand.

"How much you want to bet he bites it-right here?"
"Ahsoka!", I hiss lowly and nudge her.
"I'm only kidding!", she smirks.

      I look back to see Cora smile, take a glass from him and they began walking around together and talking. He throws me a wide eyed look before they disappear around the corner and I laugh at the floor.

Outside past the balcony, fireworks erupt throughout the sky. Purple, green, gold ones here and there. Beautiful streaks rain down into nothing. They remind me of many a flares I've set off in the past. 

That sour feeling in my stomach tries to creep back in, but I push it away and appreciate the beauty of them instead.

      It short lived though, because as soon as he walks through the doors again-I'm completely mesmerized once again.

He too is taking in the sight as he saunters into the doorway with his head held high, his arms placed behind his back at a rest position.

         His cloak was half hanging over his shoulders this time, which made me notice the small gold details and embellishments along his uniform that I had'nt before. And his usual tool belt resided, his lightsaber hung from his hip. To say he was alluring was a joke, but I knew it was wrong.
He looked desirable

       A deep blue firework goes off behind him in the sky, enunciates his figure against the dark.
Then it's followed quickly by a red one. Together they create an Amythest glare behind him. The corner of my mouth begins to curl up in a smile but soon falls. The firework detonates, illuminating his figure once again but in red.
Suddenly, I'm locked in a vision.
               Everything becomes dark around me and the red light becomes flashes. In those flashes, something different flickers through. A taller-darker figure in all black and a strange helmet unlike our clone's.
The familiar burning sensation erupts in my chest. I can feel my throat closing as if someone was choking the life out of me. The stench of smoke and ash fills my airwaves. The figure turns to me- a balled up fist at one side, and a crimson blade at the other. Then just like that, he was gone and we were back in the ballroom like nothing happened.

He feels me looking at him and turns toward me. We lock eyes and I look into his stormy blue ones and I feel it; pain. Conflicted, pain.

     I finally force myself to turn away to lean on the table. The fireworks continue in the background as I blink hard several times, fighting to catch my breath. Ahsoka's smile is wiped off her face as she notices.

"Nova?", she asks, puts her hand on my arm."What is it?"

The burning feeling subsides, my breathing slows. I blink hard once more and turn over my shoulder to him-hoping to God what I just saw was a result of one too many drinks that night.

      He studied me from across the room. His eyebrows furrowed as he cocks his head. He knew, I saw what I saw. He was trying his best to listen.

"Nothing", I shake my head. I stand straight and take in a deep breath, replace the smile I once had. I shift my gaze to him and hold onto my necklace."It's nothing. I just, got lightheaded is all."

She raises an eyebrow and nods slowly as she looks me over suspiciously.

I send her a sheepish smile and divert my eyes to the floor. The burning feeling in my chest begins to release and the next time I sneak a glance over to him, he is gone.

"Ah! There you are!"
I turn around to see my Father walk up, arms extended and I engulf him in a hug."How is everything, huh?"

"Absolutely amazing, Father. Thank you very much, for all of this", I smile and wave my hand around.

"Rumor has it someone who wants to see you is waiting in your chamber", he whispers down to me.

I feel my eyes get as wide as my smile and I could'nt help it.
"Is it-? Are you-"

"I'm not sure, but they were given royal clearance and arrived on a Naboo royal cruiser. But you did'nt hear it from me. I'll have a few guards escort you", he whispers. He gives a wave and a few men step into formation to receive me at the top of the stairs. I turn to Ahsoka and nod.
"I'll be right back", I assure her."Keep an eye out."

       I pick up the end of my dress and make my way up the stairs. The guards walk me back to my side of the castle were a whole fleet of guards I did'nt recognize were waiting as well. I raise an eyebrow but ready myself as they open the doors for me.

"I'll only be a minute. I appreciate you men very much", I nod to them. They return the favor and close the doors after me.

Excitement and wonder fill me as I walk through the entrance hall. I was'nt sure who it I was expecting, but I did have one person in mind. And I was correct.

       I pass through the burgundy curtains into my living room and freeze.

A man dressed in military attire sits with his back to me, while a woman very elegantly dressed sits adjacent from him. She stands and turns to me with a warm smile and two beautiful expresso-colored eyes.

"Padme!!", I laugh and run into her arms.

We squeeze the life out of one another and she squeals.
"Happy Birthday, Nova", she says.

"The best one yet", I smile. She steps back and squeezes my hands.

"You know I would'nt miss it! You look beautiful tonight", she shakes her head.

   "Princess", the man addresses me as he stands.  

"Matthew", I nod."It's good to see you again."

"Likewise, Your Highness. And Happy Birthday", he nods.

"Thank you", I nod,"How is Naboo? I have'nt seen you guys since the attack", I shake my head.
"It's quite nice. We're actually looking into moving there long term now", Padme says. A smile takes her over as she exchanges a look with Matthew. I look between them.

"What? What is it?", I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, Nova-I have wonderful news to share with you", she beams. She takes my hand and places it on her stomach, a few seconds later-I hear a heartbeat.

My eyes shoot up to her and I scoff surprised."No!"
"Keep listening", she urges.

My eyes fall shut once more to concentrate, then they shoot open again.
"There's two", I stared at her wide eyed. She laughs with me.

"After they are born, I'm going to look into coming back to the senate. But no one knows yet, and you can't tell anyone. As far are as they know, I'm still in hiding, but for an even bigger, better reason", she says.

"I'm so happy for you two", I laugh and hug her again.

 " I wanted to come see you before I head back. I have to before anyone sees me and realizes I'm here", she shrugs.

I smile and pull her into one last hug. "I understand. And your secret is safe with me."

"You be careful and take care of yourself. Tell your parents I said hello as well", she says as we step back.

"Of course", I smile."Please do the same, and try to check in from time to time?"

"Of course. You'll have to come see us on Naboo sometime", she nods.

"I would absolutely love that!"

We bow to each other and the Lt. steps back to allow her through.
"Your Highness", he nods once more.

        They leave the living room and join their guards outside to escort them back to the flight deck.
My heart is overloaded with joy for Padme and Matthew as I walk to the vanity in my room. I can't wait to go visit her.

I walk up to the mirror and fix my hair were needed, spray perfume on my wrists again.

"She's right, you do look quite beautiful tonight"-

I look behind me in the mirror at the balcony doorway and smirk.

"Queen standards even", he smirks as he walks to me.

         I spin and jump into his arms, hugging him so tight I heard him grunt. When I pull back, he connects his lips to mine and I tangle my hands in his jet black hair. My back hits the vanity and I pull back.

"Where the hell have you been?", I ask breathlessly.

"Trying to get here", he answers.

"Were you spying on me?", I raise an eyebrow.

"Maybe", he says through slit eyes, beginning to undo the back of my dress.

"Wait, wait, I have to make a full appearance tonight, I can't look disarranged ", I sigh. He rolls his icy blue eyes and throws his head back with a growl.

"They'll survive a few minutes without you, wont they?", he insists.

I toss my head side to side like I was thinking about it and laughed, pulling him closer."Alright, ten minutes. That's it!"

"That's all I need", he smirks.  He goes to lower his face to my neck, but stops and pulls back. Picking my necklace up, he furrows his eyebrows to look it over. 

"What's this?", he asks, his face goes compassionless. I feel my heart skip a beat.

"A gift someone gave me for my birthday", I smile and shrug it off.

"Hm", his doubtful hum vibrates in his throat. I smirk.

"How about those ten minutes now?", I lean toward him teasingly.

He drops the necklace back down onto my neck and smirks, backing up and pulling us towards my bed.


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