Back in One Piece

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One by  one, we file into the room, our hands tied behind our backs. I kept a mental note of which guard had Echo's blaster in hand. My gaze shifts to the floor, then to Anakin who's full focus was on Grievous entirely.

"That was'nt much of a rescue", Grievous coughed, snatching our lightsabers from a nearby droid's hands.

"Your welcome", he drones before walking away.

"Som negotiator, I was expecting someone with your name to be much,...older...Anakin Skywalker", he snarls, stepping closer to us.

      Anakin's eyes move from Obi-Wan to Grievous who stand in front of him.

"We have a job to do, Anakin, try not to piss him off completely?", Obi Wan mumbles to him.

My stance becomes tense as I shift my feet uncomfortably and this grabs his attention.

"Oh don't worry, Princess", he stalks over to me," Your suffering with be the worst of all."

I look from the floor to find his nasty yellow orbs under my brow as he began to cough and cry out in pain.  He takes a step back and falls to his knees and holds his chest. His guards behind rush to his side to help before collapsing themselves.

Then I watched as electricity crackles throughout his body and the guard's until they can't bear in anymore. They guards yell and fall back limp on the floor, their staffs roll away.

The room falls silent as I let up, everyone looks to me. I follow Grievous with my eyes as he coughs and climbs to his feet.

"You wanna bet?, I raise an eyebrow.

"NOW R2!", Anakin yells.

      R2 springs to life as his tazor activates,   he shocks the two guards who came at us. 

"Kill them! Now!", Grievous orders.

I hold my hand out, and my lightsaber flies from under Grievous's cloak into my palm and ignites. Catching Echo's blaster, I throw it to him and he catches it last second by the handle.

 With my other hand, I draw him near to me and make a fist when he's in front of me. His eyes widen in shock and it causes a smirk to spread across my face. I unball my fist and he flies across the room, slamming into the controls.

Two droids start to  walk the Chancellor and I quickly dispose of them, pulling the Chancellor to his feet.

"Oh, I-thank you, Princess", he spits out.

"Don't thank me", I answer and his expression changes to a startled one. "I'm onto you."

He blinks in shock as I  walk away back to the fight.

Across the way, Grievous is shoving his henchmen out of the way and towards us.

I  go to follow him as Anakin and Obi Wan fight on around me, each with an enemy of their own.

Blocking a hit from nearby, I sweep a leg with my blade, they fall and I continue on my way towards him. Grievous had picked up a tazor rod from a fallen guard and turned to us. 

   Obi Wan stands on the end to block him, swinging his saber in waiting. Anakin jumps over the control panel to block the other way. I climb on top and stand to glare down my nose at him.

He looks to us all before laughing in his throat. "You lose."

"Oh shit", Echo winces, his blaster lowering in nervousness.

And with that, he throws the rod at the window besides him. It begins to crack until the pressure causes it to crack. The windows glass explodes and sucks it out the window, taking Grievous with it.

 I hit the deck and grab onto the nearest thing as we cling on for dear life.

I shuffled my self to the control panel and slam my fist down on the emergency window shields.

 They slide over the busted windows in seconds and our feet touch the ground once again.

"DAMMIT!", I yelled.

"Well get him, have patien-:"

"Oh, to Hell with that!", I cut Obi Wan off. 

The ship begins to shake as its thrown off balance.

"It's not over yet", Echo reminds us as he almost falls. Anakin rushes to the pilot's seat.

"Open all hatches, extended all flaps and drag fins", Anakin orders to Obi Wan.

He stares back at him blankly. "English, Anakin-I speak English."

Anakin replies with an annoyed look and looks over his shoulder to me.

"I'm just a mechanic. I fix em, I don't really fly em", Echo shakes his head.

I release a breath I did'nt know I was holding and plop down into the seat next to him, flipping a switch and punching a couple buttons. The radar signals the drag fins had been deployed as he asked.

The ship rocks and nearly throws me face first into the control panel. Soon after the radar goes crazy and blinks red: the entire back half of the ship is missing entirely.

I look from the screen to share the same alarmed look Anakin gave me.

"We lost something", he breathes out.

I turn around in my seat and close my eyes. I could almost hear Obi Wans internal prayer.

The front of the ship begins to glow bright orange signaling we were coming into the atmosphere of Coruscant. It was blindly and we could hardly see out of any of the windows. The heat was so intense I kept having to wipe my face and eyes every few seconds.

"We still have half a ship", he shrugged.

"Keep us level", Anakin nods to me.

I grab the steering wheel and pull up as more and more bits of the ship broke off and flew by us.

I'm sure we looked like a meteor to anyone below us. R2 beeped nervously as he glides to sit beside Anakin and read the stats.

"Well be ok", he assures him. He beeps louder. "Easy, R2!"

"5,000 feet", Obi Wan calls out. "Ships to the left and right of us."

One of them comes over the intercom.

"Well take you in!", he says.

"There! The landing strip!", Echo mentions.

"Were coming in too hot for the landing strip!", Anakin shakes his head.

"This is gunna suck", I mutter.


We simultaneously pull up on the steering as the bottom of the ship makes contact with the tarmac.

The squealing sounds of torn metal pierces my ears as the ship skids on for a few hundred feet.
We take the tower out along the way and a couple ships, but we finally come to a stop>

I release my grip on the handles, lean back in my seat. Releasing a deep breathe, I fall back in my chair and cover my face with my hands. I immediately regret it as it shoots pain up my arm. 

"Another happy landing", Obi Wan scoffs, running his hands through his hair.

Destruction of the Innocent (Anakin Skywalker)Where stories live. Discover now