The Meeting

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       For a moment or two, we stood there, unsure of what to make of each other. Neither one of us lower our blades as we search each other for answers.

But I couldn't help but feel something move in me as I stood there across from him.

Something I've never had before. Felt before. Like a piece of me clicked back that I didn't even know was missing in the first place.

Something told me he felt the same as his stance faltered a bit, but he put his guard right back up holding his saber high.

Personally speaking, he was beautiful. Even with a sweat drenched face.

And I'm pretty sure I looked like an apple run that got over by a lawnmower.

His chest rose and fell in his black Jedi robes, heavy breaths rolled out as he had just come from battle. 

His wavy dirty blonde hair was to his jaw, a couple bruises on his face, a scar over his right eyebrow. The way he towered over me easily made me a little nervous, but other than that, I stood my ground. His eyes were so blue, they almost turned black.

I didn't know standing here, staring into them murderously, that they would soon be everything to me.

          We circle each other like two caged tigers, struggling to read one another's thoughts.

His eyes narrow in confusion and I see something in his eyes I finally could read, realization.

Not only that I wasn't the threat, but that there was something alike about us.

Something we both realized in one another as we slowly started to lower our weapons.

I felt my gaze soften as I couldn't help but scrunch my eyebrows at him.

It was something no one else could detect in us yet.

The thing that connected us the second we met; we sensed the darkness in one another before anyone else ever could.

       We decided we weren't a threat to one another, and I begin to lower my saber from the backwards knife stance I held.

His saber lowers to his side as Obi-Wan and Echo run up to us, but his gaze never leaves me.

"My young apprentice!!Whatever are you doing?!", Obi-Wan exclaims, his eyes nearly popping out of his head at the man in front of me. 

"General Godfrey!", Echo rushed to me. I finally tore my eyes away from the stranger and grabbed onto him appreciatively.

"My, God, Princess-Your hurt!", Obi-Wan rushed to me.

   "I'm alright", I tried to assure him," I'm still standing. At least for now".

 I nodded between them trying to convince, but neither one looked moved in the least. Not even the stranger staring at me from across the room.

My gaze shifts from them towards his tall, dark figure, a little droid flashing red and blue lights pivots on the floor behind him.  

"Locate the Chancellor, R2", the stranger says over his shoulder. The droid begins to get to work as his gaze locks back onto mine, eyebrows arched in curiosity.

It's weird, I don't remember seeing him ever in training or school. Then again, he probably wasn't schooled quietly like me.

"What is he doing on this ship, Master?", I raised an eyebrow.

"No time to explain. We must get to him before it is too late", Obi-Wan shakes his head.

      " Right! I'm sorry, I do believe introductions are in order", he began, standing between us, "General Godfrey, this is my apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, this is the General Princess, Ms. Nova Godfrey."
He then walked away to try and mess with the elevator.

    I let a long sigh go before I step forward, turning my saber off. 

"So", I began crossing my arms. "You're the chosen one, huh?"

He mimics me and steps closer as well, a smirk starts play on his lips as he looks down his nose at me. "So, you have heard of me."

I shrug and hum.  "Mmm. Not the best of things."

"Oh, that right? Well, I'm so sorry to lower your expectations", he snorted.

"You're the least thing I expect to impress me, don't you worry", I nodded back.

   His droid, R2 beeps at that second and we look away from each other to him as his beeps to get our attention.

"He's found him", Obi-Wan states. "Come you two, we'll have time for this later."

Echo reloads his blaster, discarding the clip across the tarmac floor, and turns on his heel to follow Obi-Wan to the elevator.

   "Well, over all-"

I turn over my shoulder to this man again.

"I'm am very sorry to have disrespected you, milady", he smiles, bowing his head slightly to me. I watch him through narrow eyes as he looks back up to me. "I had no idea you had such skill, and not just with flying either."

    He definitely saw the destruction I caused just from getting angry.

I closed my mouth and forced out the manners I was raised with instead of spraying every insult I could think of right now.

"You're not so bad yourself", I say, choosing my words wisely. I can't help but look over my shoulder at the corner of the hanger where I had just fought.

"Don't worry. He didn't see...we all get angry sometimes", he shrugs lightly.

"I didn't get anything. Don't be going off and making your own ideas now", I said immediately. His eyebrows raise and he crosses his arms.

"Oh, yeah? What was that back there then, Princess?", he snarled, nodding his head over my shoulder. 

I start to say something but stopped and closed my mouth. There was nothing I could say.

Nothing that would erase what he just witnessed. His dark blue eyes peer into mine, knowingly, and he shakes his head.

   I'm the first to look away and breathe out through my nose.

"What? You gunna tell the teacher on me?", I raised my eyebrows. He nodded to himself.

"Well see...We'll see where it is your loyalty lies, Princess", he said, walking away.

"To you, it's General. Padawan", I grit, slowly turning over my shoulder to him. 

His gaze turns over his and meets mine with another smirk as he walks back.

"Well then, I guess you'll be honoring me later for saving your ass back there, General. I accept my gifts in the form of new ships", he smirks down to me. He winks then walks away towards Obi-Wan.

My glare at his figure as he walks away. He is in no position to be making such demands.

A frustrated sigh erupts from me as I turn away, struggling to get a better grip on my lightsaber, and my temper. 

I shove it all back and my eyes fall shut in tiredness. I turn to follow them as they the elevator doors open.


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