~The Crystal Cave~

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"...Nova?...Nova, we're here?...Nova!"

My eyes snap open and I look around to see Ahsoka shaking me awake. We were still on the transport ship. The Younglings were getting their cold weather gear on. I could feel the ice of the planet coming through the ship.

"Are you alright?", she notices my disorientation and crouches down.

"I'm alright. I was just deep in a dream", I shook my head. I stand and she follows.

She nods and turns to the Younglings."Alright, the weather here is quite blinding, so stick close and don't get lost."

"What a wasteland", one of the kids say.

"Well, that's why they picked here to secure them", Ahsoka says.

"Looks can be deceiving", I say, clipping my lightsaber to my belt."This place has been around for eons. There's no more sacred place for the Jedi."

As I finish putting my warmer clothes on over my normal ones, the captain drops the ramp. The cold, swirling flurry of wind comes in to greet us. I grimace and pull my hood over my head.

Ahsoka and Master Yoda lead the way down as I follow up in the back and stand beside them.

"I hate the cold", I mutter, pulling my cloak closer around me.

"It never snowed on the island?", she asked.

I shrug."Maybe once or twice. Just never really cared for it, ya know?"

A happy, curious chirp of beeps make their way down the ramp behind us and I had to do a double take.

"R2?", my eyebrows knit together."What are you doing here?"

I did'my even notice him. 

He chirps again and rolls in a circle beside me.

"Extra lookout?", Ahsoka shrugs and walks ahead to keep up with Yoda and the class.

I grip my lightsaber hilt under my cloak as I scan the planet with new eyes.

"For what?", I say to myself. I follow after the group, R2 gliding effortlessly by my side.

"I thought you stay besides your Master?", I raise an eyebrow. He whirs and chirps an answer that he felt like coming along.

I raise both eyebrows and shrug it off as we follow.

We walk at least a good mile through a blank canyon before we were met with wall.

"Dead end?", a youngling asks.

"Not exactly", Ahsoka says and turns towards us."Younglings, lift your hands-connect with the Force. Then, and only then, we can enter. But we must do it together."

The Younglings all raised their hands together and concentrated as much as they could towards the wall. A smaller girl in the back row was struggling I noticed, so I raise my hand with them and  outstretch my fingers.

One by one, the columns of ice that guarded the cave fell into the planet until we stared down a long dark hallway. An old musty wind swirls in our faces and I tilt my head in curiousity.

The little girl jumped up and down in excitement, beaming back at us- to this I smiled.

"Never been here before, have you?", Yoda asks.

"Never", I answer, unable to look away from the beautiful architecture . "But I've read so much about its history in the archives. It doesn't do it justice. It's hard to believe I'm standing here right now...An honor, really."

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