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     I made my way down the back steps of the Temple and across the bridge towards the Godfrey palace. The moon shone off the waves that rolled and crashed together in the distance. The sky was pitch black but flashes of light made their appearance every few seconds.

I wrapped my cloak around me tighter and hurried to the front gates of my home. 

When I make it under the covered entry, I push the wood door open, close it behind me. The click echos around the main room as I pull my hood down.

"Hello?", I call, only to get no answer. My Father just still be in the spire discussing our next plan of attack.I then take this time to climb the split staircase and head to his study. 

Arrangements were being made for Padme and Lt. Matthew to spend sometime on Naboo to get away from all this for a while. My Father was threatening for my Mother and I to leave back to her home planet of Endor as well.

It seemed things were getting a little too real around here, and a little too close for comfort as well. I disagreed with it all, for I am not one to cut and run, but rather face things head on. But I understood where my Father was coming from, and we compromised to wait to until after my birthday.

I turn on my heel and walk down the hallway, then swing a right into my Father's private library. A single lamp burns on the wall over in the corner by the bookcase. I walk over and hold my hand up. The soft glow becomes brighter and shines upon the shelves in front of me.

My hand falls beside me and I begin tracking the spines of the books. It's then I notice the book I had just seen days before was now gone. My eyebrow scrunch together in confusion. I reach for another book similar just to pull it down and realize I mistook it. 

Maybe I've missed something.

I sigh and take a step back in thought. When I lean over to rest my hand against the desk, the top slides away from me.  I stand again and look down to see it was a false top and a secret cubby was built in underneath. So I move it more to find the book I wanted was inside. 

Picking it up, I look it over then tuck it under my arm. I grab a wine glass hanging from the liquor cart and pull the cork on a bottle of a nice Tomasello red before pouring me a glass. I take in a sip and my eyes fall shut in relaxation.

Something, or rather someone rubs against my ankles and I look down to stare into the beautiful golden orbs of my cat Onyx.

"There you are", I say, leaning down to scratch his head. He leans into my touch then I hear something fall from the next room over. 

I stand  on alert and walk down the hall to my parent's room. As I creak the door open, I see my Mother sleeping in bed. Across the room, the window is open and the curtains flutter in the breeze. I set the book down and set my glass ontop then walk over to the window.

Onyx jumps onto the end of her bed and meows.

"Shh!", I whisper as I shut the windows and draw the burgundy curtains closed.

I walk back over and pick her book up from the ground. When I turn it, I see it is "The Frogs"- something about how Hades brings Euripides back from death. I smile to myself and go to set it on her nightstand where there are other books-"Apology" and "Republic."

I then turn back to my Mother. She was worried. A sullen expression takes over my face as I cover her up with her blankets and turn her lamp down lower. Then I make my way back to the dresser by the door, gather my things.

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