Chapter -1

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*Vegas pov*

I have waited so long for this day to come and this is my chance to make kinn suffer.

The major family is superior to minor family that makes me crazy.
Always being compared to kinn makes me sick. one chance just one chance I will destroy everything that kinn has and when I got that chance I will never let it slip.

"everything is prepared khun vegas" nop informed me.

"okay" I can't help but to smirk.

It's not that easy to find Porsche alone but will be exciting.
I managed to drug Porsche now he is lying on the bed in a secret room of a bar.He is my prey.

"what would kinn do porsche? He will lose his mind when he find it" I whispered near Porsche ear and began to unbutton his shirt. I don't have any interest in Porsche but since he is important to kinn I would definitely be interested to ruin him.

But this damn Porsche kept strgguling under me which makes it hard for me to undress him. But I am sure he won't recognize me because he is not fully conscious.

" you.... bastard" he struggled to say that still closing his eyes.

"I didn't even started yet honey " I said admiring the scenario that was happening in front of me. I am more than satisfied I could only think kinn's face when he discovers it.

While I am still enjoying the moment I heard a knock on the door which irritates me.


"khun Vegas we have to leave " nop told me. I could sense the tension in his voice.

I opened the door to see his terrified face. His head facing down and hands are shaking may be he is afraid to tell me what happened.

"what happened?" I asked in annoyance.

"The head bodyguard of the main family is here khun vegas "

"what? How did he find it" I have planned everything carefully how the hell he find it.

"we don't know that too khun Vegas he is heading here we have leave quickly" nop informed.

I don't have a choice but to leave so I left everything behind and sneaked in to my car from the back door.

*Pete pov*

I felt strange since porsche didn't come back from the restroom. I happened to be here when I am hanging out on my day off I saw Porsche enjoying with his friends I didn't want to disturb him but I noticed earlier he went to restroom but yet he is no where to be found.

I went to check on him but I didn't found him in the restroom. I quickly ran to the bar owner to check the CCTV footage and found a group of men dragged porsche to a room their faces are not clear but from their appearance they seem to be bodyguards.

I went in the direction of that room but I was stopped by two idiots and of course they are not strong enough to tackle the head bodyguard of the main family.
But when I reached the room I didn't found anyone except porsche he is drugged.

"Porsche....porsche? " I tried to wake him up but he is not responding
Who did this?

*Vegas pov*

"ahhhhhh.... Fucking shit" I screamed and begin to throw away all the things on my desk in anger

He ruined my plan. My chance got slipped from my hands because of that stupid bodyguard.

"nop...." I called for him.

"khun Vegas " he entered the room and bowed his head.

"what's his name? "

"it's Pete khun Vegas. The head bodyguard of khun tankhun" he replied.

"I want his full information. He is such a brave man I have to reward him" I said with a smirk.

"yes khun vegas" he said and left the room.

I missed you again kinn but don't worry I will beat you one day. I will become more powerful than you.

Pete.. Hmm.. You dare to mess with me huh
You saved porsche but whose gonna save you pete.
You got yourself a problem. Now ready for the consequences Pete. 😈

Hi guys
This part is similar to kp series cause I want a reason for Vegas to target our baby pete.
I hope you all like it
Comment your opinion guys
Love you all ♥ ♥ ♥

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