Chapter 2

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Hi guys
Here I am again
I'm free today so I updated another part
I will try to update one part per week
Enjoy reading

* Vegas pov *

I am getting ready to visit that filthy main family for a regular business meeting and of course I have to see the so called head bodyguard who ruined my plan.
One part of me wants to crush him down to earth but another part of me wants to torture him so that he would regret messing with me.

I instructed nop to prepare the car. I don't want to bring more bodyguards with me so there is only nop.
I sat on the back seat of my car while nop is driving to the main family. I leaned my head backwards and closed my eyes. Just a thought of meeting up with main family irritates me. The main family and the minor family has to meet up every month for business meetings if it's not for business I would never go there.

While my eyes are still closed nop stopped the car. "what's wrong " I asked still closing my eyes.

"khun Vegas, the man who is with khun tankun is Pete" I opened my eyes and noticed nop staring to his left so I do the same. We are near to the gate where we can see the garden with a small pond.

I tried to peek at him but that damn tankhun. He is in the way and that sassy silver outfit is hurting my eyes he handed over a small bag to pete and walked away. Finally I get to see him...him, the head bodyguard.
He sat on his knees and opened the bag that tankhun gave him earlier probably a fish food he sprinkle some food in the pond while I'm slowly observing him from top to bottom.

His pale skin...pinkish lips and that innocent eyes, his hair style is very simple but yet make him look cute in that. His eyes almost disappearing when he laugh hard damn that neck and waist of beautiful.
He looks cute from every side and in every aspect if I didn't know that he is a bodyguard then I wouldn't believe it
And a head bodyguard? Really? He is too cute for that role.

I starting to rethink my decision to ruin him. Is he worth wasting my time on? He looks like an idiot.

( In the meeting)

We sat around the table and uncle korn is discussing some thing related to business. I don't get it why this tankhun is here he is such a burden always interrupting uncle korn in the middle pa I want this, pa I want that bickering like a kid.

And yes he is not alone he came with three bodyguards one with a pair of glasses looking like a nerd and other look like just a fool but my eyes are fixed to the third bodyguard yeah the head bodyguard.
The two bodyguards dragged tankhun to outside while Pete is still here calm.

my eyes followed him when he walked towards kinn's direction and stood there. My chin rested on one of my hand and my eyes never left him.
He listened to every word of uncle korn carefully with his arms crossed.

It didn't take him long to notice me staring at him but he just gave me a small nod and smiled a little.
I gave him a smirk in return.

*Pete pov *

Like always khun no interrupted meeting, like always we have to run behind him and like always we have to drag him out but when khun kinn looked up to me I understand that he wants me to stay there so stood behind him.

But when I am paying attention to khun korn I felt something weird and that's it. Khun vegas... What happened to him? I wonder if he is listening to khun korn cause his eyes are glued on me. I tried to avoid those eyes but I can't if only looks could kill I would be dead by now.

He looks cool, handsome but the way he is looking at me....... It's like he is judging my whole existence or is he trying to swallow me with his eyes? Oyee pete stop your imagination it can be nothing. I am going to do what I'm good at I smiled to him slightly hoping he would shift his gaze but instead he smirked. What the hell? He came to the main family so many times but he never noticed me its like I'm an air to him but what now, he is looking at me like we have some connection. What an idiot he is making me nervous.

Finally, I can breath now since the meeting has ended and Vegas was no where to be found.

(At minor family )

*Vegas pov *

"His full name is pete Phongsakorn Saengtham khun vegas" nop started to told me about pete

"he is from an island and was raised by his grandparents the main family helped them a lot so he is more loyal to the main family, and since he appointed to be the head bodyguard of khun tankhun there are no incidents of khun tankhun kidnaps"

"well, I think he is just babysitting my cousin but I guess I'm wrong he is capable of protecting? Hmm... "
Pete... You look so innocent did you hide your another side under your smile?

"he is also an ex-boxer khun vegas"

"what, an ex boxer?" now I'm more interested in you Pete.

The head bodyguard and an ex boxer who is a loyal pet to main family interesting. I can't help but to smile more like a psycho laugh
...Wait for me pete....

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