chapter 9

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Pete pov

I finished my breakfast and vegas finished drinking coffee actually he finished his coffee a long ago but he is waiting for me. I don't know why. What are you planning this time vegas?

"I have to go vegas, bye" I bid him goodbye and was about to go but vegas pulled me back by my right hand

"come on I will drop you"

"are you crazy? I will be doomed if someone sees me with you" I said as I pulled back my hand from him.

"you are getting bolder every day Pete" he raised his eyebrow at me.

"I don't care and..... it's not that far, I can walk" I didn't wait for his response and turned to walk away but he hugged me tight from behind. My mind paused there a second

"baby, let me drop you please" he mumbled in my ear


"pleaseeeee" he tightened the hug even more. Damn!!! he sure knows how to play with my heart.

"ok ok let me go now, I can't breathe" he released me immediately and went to the I stood there silently staring blankly at him.

He grabbed his keys from the pocket to start the engine "come on what are you waiting for" he said indicating me to occupy the back seat. It's not like I don't want to ride his bike but it's just..... it reminded me of that day when vegas took Porsche for a ride I don't know why but it bothers me.

All my thoughts vanished when he called me again "babe!!! Come on...."

"who's your baby" I glared at him and settled myself on the bike. He just shook his head and started the engine

"hold me tight" he ordered so I gripped the hem of his shirt, he didn't want me to hold his waist...did he? Who would do that? I won't... he raised the accelerator and suddenly hit the brakes then I ended up falling too close to him my chest slammed against his back and my arms automatically wrapped around his waist "what the hell are you doing vegas?"

"well, my baby is too stubborn so I have to do this. Hold me like this or else I'll repeat that" with that, he started the ride.

"bastard" I muttered under my breath.

Since it's early morning the air is fresh and I can feel the cold breeze on the ride it was amazing that I didn't realize I was smiling widely but my hands were still locked around vegas' waist whenever I try to draw back my hands, he would pull them back.

We didn't drive towards the main family but instead, he took me on a long drive NO NO short drive it is. even though we kept silent throughout the ride, I didn't feel awkward instead I enjoyed it and I bet vegas was enjoying it too because I saw him smiling from the rearview mirror and it never dropped.

It felt so warm hugging him from behind and the air is filled with vegas scent which is driving me crazy.

"I told you not to drop me too near to the mansion" I complained as he parked the bike too near

"it's still far babe don't worry no one will see us" I glared at him before asking "why do you keep calling me baby? Huh"

He smiled before he opening his mouth to speak "because you are too cute that I want to kiss...hug and..." he came close and leaned towards my ear "and I want to have sex with you" my eyes widened. This bastard has no shame .

"what the hell are you saying Vegas" I cursed as I pushed him backward.

He laughed hard "I am just kidding Pete" he continued to laugh but suddenly his laugh faded and his face has an unreadable expression "but I am not kidding too" what? That means he is kidding or not?

"what are you-......hmmpf" before I ask something he pressed his lips against mine I tried to push him but he held my waist with one hand and the other hand grabbed my neck. The next second he started sucking my lower lip until I part my lips slightly then his tongue made its way into my mouth exploring every corner, it felt so good that I started responding to his kiss, matching the movement of his lips.

It is neither rough nor a soft kiss I don't know how to describe it but I am sure he is really hungry that he kept attacking my mouth again and again. I tap his shoulder to let him know that I am out of breath he immediately broke the kiss. Just when we are gasping for air, he cupped my face with his both hands "I love you, Pete" he said panting.

"you taste so good baby" his gaze lowered to my lips "then...should we continue further?" this is when I came to my senses.

"ouchh" I stepped on his foot and runway.

What did I do? My heart is beating so fast that it gonna burst at any time. I plopped on the bed facing the ceiling, the sweetness of the kiss blended perfectly into my tastebuds that I can still feel it but...was I easy? I just give in to him within seconds.

Huff...whenever I am with that bastard my heart is betraying me. Grandma, Pete is gonna lose his virginity to the devil😕😕

Hi guys
I'm not good at writing romance so if it's not that good bear with me plzzz

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