chapter 6

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Hi guys
I'm back....actually I planned to update yesterday but I was too tired so I'm updating today instead.
Well, my mid exams finished but my semester is coming ahead 😑

Okay okay where we are actually? Oh I remember 😁

"so soft" he whispered while caressing my thigh "Are you seducing me Pete?" he sounded seductive.

Shiyaa, I'm doomed....
(let's continue)

Pete pov

I can see the lust in his eyes scanning every part of my body like he wants to... I swallowed hard at the thought of it but suddenly his hand started to explore my thigh and he placed his other hand on my waist.

That's it!!

I have to stop him he misunderstood the situation "I couldn't find any pants that fit me, Khun Vegas" I said trying to escape from this situation but he came further close making our foreheads touch and the gap between our lips was so short

"Khun? I remember you calling me vegas in that warehouse why are you adding Khun now Pete" he again sounded seductive right in front of my lips I can feel his warm breath on my lips.

"I'm sorry Khun vegas, I was in a hurry to save you so I didn't realize it" I said with a shaky voice because I am too nervous in this position we are in now. but he didn't respond, he just stayed silent while looking at my lips passionately.

"Khun veg-"

"vegas. Just call me vegas, Pete..." he cut me off and he is letting out every word lazily from his mouth.
I don't know how to respond now "I can't call..." I couldn't get to finish my sentence when he rubbed his cheek against mine, I felt my body turning hot and butterflies in my stomach and it sent more chills through my body when he lazily slid his head down to my neck.

my both hands were on his shoulders, he first touched my neck with his lips and licked then started sucking while I am still processing whether to push him or not but even if I want to push him, I can't. Because he is too strong.

He became more and more intensive his hands were all over my body exploring every inch then he changed from sucking to biting "Ah- vegas... it hurts" I groaned in pain when he bit me harder. I then realized his lips curving into a smile and he got near my ear and said "good. Call me like that. I like it." My mind went blank still unable to process what was happening.

"Pete..." he called out my name still lazy, resting his head on my shoulder. Gosh!! With his seductive voice, he will kill me one day.

"hmm?" I responded. "you can take Macau's pants but..." he paused then continued again "can you take off my clothes" my eyes widened at his words, I can't believe my ears "w..what-" I shuttered.

"please... I was too tired I just want to take a shower" hmm how can I say no if he is pouting like that.

He is dangerous DANGEROUS TO MY HEART!!

"okay" he immediately backed off as soon as I agreed, to keep some distance between us so I can unbutton his shirt but his both hands were still on my waist. I don't know why I agreed to do this, how did I even end up in this situation? I don't know... I only know that my heart is beating weirdly and the devil is just inches apart from my body with full of lust.

Vegas pov

When Pete came out without wearing any pants, I literally wanted to pin him to the bed and ruin him. Now, he is trying to unbutton my shirt with his eyes closed "faster Pete" I teased him so he ended up opening his eyes and reached the last button.

he shrugged off my shirt and dropped it on the floor I just remained like a statue enjoying the view. YES!! the view, the pinkish lips he has, the innocent eyes, that sexy waist of him and the fresh mark I just made on his neck making me go insane.

Now, it's time to remove my pants he unbuckled my belt and removed it with hesitation and then he looked up at me. Of course, I know he doesn't want to continue anymore but I want... I grabbed his hand and moved it close to my zipper he understood what I want so he started unbuttoning my pants and then zipper his face already getting red and his hands were shaking.

He looks so appetizing that I want to devour him right now right here right at the very moment. Well, will he let me if I want to do it or should I just rape him and make him mine.No, I want to ruin him with his consent that would be more interesting.

When he removed my pants, his eyes widened and he gulped I followed his eyes and noticed he was looking at my erected cock "Pete, can you take off my underwear too" Pete immediately looked up to me shocked.

"what? I am just kidding Pete" I chuckled at his reaction "but... what about you Pete? Are you even wearing underwear" I asked mischievously, looking down at his bare body but he was stunned

(A/N: he was too stunned to speak 😂😂)

and without realizing my hand find its way to Pete's leg moving upwards inside the shirt he was wearing. Pete immediately grabbed my hand "I was wearing one" he said.

Well, he looked straight into my eyes I can't handle it anymore I have to go before I can't control myself so I entered the bathroom leaving him behind.

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I felt my heart beat growing faster and "shit" I groaned in pain at my growing erection. I was seducing him but didn't realize I was being seduced too. I don't know why, I was getting more and more interested in Pete every day. It's like I want to own him myself.

After I step out of the bathroom, I saw Pete sleeping soundly on the couch maybe I took too much time while showering. I carried him carefully to the bed and covered him with a blanket because he is still without pants so I don't want him to catch a cold and of course I can't control myself seeing him half naked so I have to COVER HIM FULLY.

 I carried him carefully to the bed and covered him with a blanket because he is still without pants so I don't want him to catch a cold and of course I can't control myself seeing him half naked so I have to COVER HIM FULLY

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(Cutie pie sleeping soundly).

I don't know what I am feeling right now it was very peaceful seeing him sleep like this "so cute" I muttered and lay next to him.

"how can you fall asleep in this condition Pete? Aren't you afraid of me doing something to you hmm? How I am going to resist you in the future if you're being cute and sexy at the same time? You're killing me Pete" after letting all these things out I fall asleep beside him.

So, how was it.
Let me know in the Comments
I do read all your comments it makes me happy
Love you all bubbles ♥

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