chapter 20

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Hi guys
This is a short chapter
I am busy with exams. Also I kinda forgot previous chapters 😁 so I have to read previous parts too...

My exam's will be over by first week of Feb. Your author is so forgetful guys so I have to read again and again for my exam's😑😑

"Just do as I say.....
We just need to break his heart. Then everything will be easy for me and he will be yours"

A smirk appeared on his lips as he let the smoke flew to the air from his mouth.

Pete pov

"khun noo, we already watched this. Let's watch a new series" I pleaded him because I am the only one who can convince him some how.

"okay" arm, pol and me sighed in relief hearing that

"but you guys need to play with me the whole night" he said. The three of us looked at each other knowing well that his games won't be normal.

"aii Porsche, why are you sitting like a rock there" khun noo shouted at Porsche. I forget he is here with us, he is unusually quiet.

We sat in front of screen watching the series but Porsche looked annoyed about something... well I will ask him.


"Porsche are you ok?" I asked him in the morning


"did you and khun kinn fought with each other?" I asked looking at him. He seems hesitated before opening his mouth

"well.... I asked him to do like you guys do it but..."

"wait, what are you taking about?" I knitted my brows together

"I mean I asked him to tie my hands"

what? He didn't forget it yet

"then what happened?"

"he took me to the doctor to check my brain immediately"

silence echoed through out the room for a second and "hahahahaha......" I know I should be embarrassed but I can't hold my laugh looking at Porsche.

"pete, stop laughing or else I am gonna kill you"

"sorry pors- hahaha..." he chased after me and I ran for my dear life.

Vegas pov

I know, dad is planning something big but I have no idea and I have no intention to beat kinn anymore. I want a family! With pete.

A smile made it's way on my lips upon remembering pete. We didn't meet since past two days because I am busy with work. now I want to see him to relieve my stress but I will hear his voice for now.

I took out my mobile to call my love of life after three rings he answered


"baby can we meet?"

"now? I can't come out now vegas"

"who told you come. I will sneak into your room"

"no way"

"come on pete please"

"okay, I will come to you after everyone slept but please don't come here vegas"

"okay, I will wait for you on our bed" I teased him.

"you horny bastard" his curse made me chuckle.

Pete pov

Why do I have to deal this kind of situation again. My blood boiled as I am on my way to return major mansion. This stupid vegas!!! But this time I am not sad. Not anymore. My body filled with rage and my mobile kept buzzing exposing a name on the screen 'vegas' there are missed calls and texts from him which I didn't receive nor respond.

Few minutes earlier

I sneaked out to meet vegas and headed straight to his bedroom but he was not there. He said he would wait for me on our bed then where the fuck is he?

If he is not here in the room then he will definitely will be in his office. I led my foot to his office and reached for door knob and opened the door but my smile faded...


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