chapter 3

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Forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes. 😑

*Vegas pov*

It's a normal restaurant with a lot of people which I never set my foot into. It is not that spacious but enough to fit more people. I'm not interested in this place but I am here for that cutie!!

( A/N : That cutie is non other than our baby Pete 😁)

I did some investigation about him, nop told me that he is here and that's it! I got interested in this place all of a sudden.
I tired to dress as simple as possible but I think I failed. I attracted most of the people's attention. Well, let them be... who cares.
My eyes traveled everywhere scanning every table, where is he? This place is not that huge to make it difficult for me to find him but I'm too impatient. At the corner table, I saw two young men and there he is eating his food mindlessly

*Pete pov*

Being a bodyguard to Khun no is really a tough job he is such a crazy and I am really tired. Thanks to Porsche he took me to a restaurant where I can eat my favorite spicy food. we have that kind of food in the main family too but Khun no never let me eat peacefully. I was mindlessly eating my food spoon after spoon I stuffed my mouth.

" I think the only thing that makes you happy is food " Porsche said as he reach for a glass of water.

" you're talking nonsense Porsche" I said, still having the food in my mouth and he just chuckled.

But not later than five minutes I chocked!!! "Khun Vegas? "
"what is he doing here?" this time it's porsche who spoke.
"how could I know Porsche?" yes, what is he doing here. I didn't know a young master like him would also visit this kind of place, a small street side restaurant but..... "porsche he is looking at us" "no" " come on porsche, he is definitely looking at us"

"well pete, I mean he is not looking at US he is looking at YOU" damn...he is right! his eyes are fixed on me just like in the meeting but wait, is he alone? I don't see any bodyguards with him. what an idiot what if someone attacks?

" did you do something pete? " I was confused by what porsche asked.

"what do you mean? " " I saw it pete, the day before... In the meeting room you guys kept looking at each other I thought I was mistaken but I guess I'm right now. He is standing there staring at you for such a long time already"

"shia porsche, what are you doing?" I pinched his thigh when he raised his hand and waved to Vegas not only that. He invited Vegas.

"ahh Pete....." he groaned. "don't you think his legs will go numb if he stands there longer? " he reasoned as he gave me a teasing smile.

I know Porsche is just teasing me. Even though porsche used to be friends with Vegas, he will never allow Vegas to mess with me because we all know the leader of the minor clan, Vegas theerapanyakul is the devil 😈

While still I'm in thoughts, I heard a gun shot I looked up to Vegas he didn't reach us yet and I'm sure that bullet was fired for Vegas but it missed.
Everyone is running way in panic this made the situation more chaotic. I immediately dragged Vegas by his collar to hide and as expected a few more gunshot fired at us. Both me and porsche struggled to escape those bullets and I gave a sign to porsche to attack back.
We have to be careful because there is only me and porsche who were fighting back, this bastard!! Didn't even bring any bodyguards nor a gun with him. What a burden! We hide beside the table while porsche hide behind one of the door.
Porsche signed me to take Vegas to a safe place which I hesitated at first but thinking it through Porsche can manage himself so Vegas safety is important. Yes, although he is not from main family he will be considered as my boss too right!
There is no way we can escape so I planned to take Vegas to the bathroom until the situation turns in favor.

*Vegas pov*

I was about to reach their table but a gunshot interrupted. I didn't realize when Pete came next to me but when I realized he already pulled me to hide beside the table and started shooting back.
This was another side of pete which I didn't expect to see this fast. His smile is long gone all he has now is a serious expression stamped on his face. I did have my gun but I didn't take it out just to enjoy the boldness of head bodyguard.
All the sounds of gunshots were dominated by his breathing sound and he was sweating too... he looks damn sexy when he was seriously into something.
He decided to hide in the bathroom and he covered me while taking me to the bathroom carefully.

He closed the door but he is still on guard "khun vegas, you okay? " he asked, but I can see his body still not relaxed.

"I think.... I should be the one asking that Pete"

"oh, it's okay khun vegas we are fine"
He replied referring both him and Porsche.

I went near him " I was only asking about you Pete " he flinched, hearing what I said but blurted out an awkward smile. Finally he is showing his cute side again...
The cute side which can able to make me forget that Im actually here to punish him.

*pete pov*

As soon as we entered the bathroom he started to tease me "don't feel uncomfortable Pete" damn! Why he has to use that voice very... Seductive.
That makes my heart beat faster and faster. I have to change the topic

"khun Vegas, why are you here?"

"huh, what do you mean am I not allowed to come here?" he raised one of his eye brows.

"it's not like that khun vegas, I'm just curious"

"well..." he stopped and scanned me from top to bottom with his eyes before he leaned forward to my ear and said something that got me chills all over "I will consume you, pete"

I was stuck his voice is intimidating and before I could respond Porsche banged on the door "everything is cool now come out" he shouted.
And I escaped from the bathroom as I don't know what to do anymore.

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