chapter 18

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Vegas pov

We were waiting for our food to arrive at the restaurant. I picked this restaurant myself because I know Pete likes spicy food and it's the best place for it.

"what are you looking at" I was snapped back to reality when Pete suddenly spoke. He was angry!!! Why wouldn't he? I literally dragged him here to our date. Well, how can I make him fall for me if he won't go on a date with me right?

"Ouch... Pete" he kicked my leg under the table "why did you do that Pete... it hurts" I complained.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" he asked.

"Like what?" a big smirk grows on my face I know what he means "you already know that" he glared at me "I don't know, enlighten me" I teased him. He is really cute when he is mad and the food arrived before he opens his mouth to curse me again.

The waiter placed food on our table neatly and left that's when my eyes landed on the curry he ordered. It looks so red I wonder how can pete tolerate it and even claims it 'tasty' how so? When all I can taste is... the burning sensation of that curry.

Pete pov

No matter how angry I am I can't ignore food and it looks delicious so I started eating without minding others "slow down you'll choke" vegas said taking a bite of his salad. I just rolled my eyes and continued eating but someone caught my attention. He is looking at vegas or should I say he is eating my man alive.

Damn, I hate him "what happened Pete?" vegas asked and was about to turn his head in the direction I was looking so I cupped his face before he turns his head completely and said "nothing HONEY can you feed me" I stressed the word honey so loud so that the man could hear but I didn't expect vegas reaction he was just staring without blinking.


"What did you just call me as?"

"uh ah didn't you hear it"

"I did. That's why I am getting hard down there" aww.... this horny bastard!!!

"so are you going to feed me or not?" I whispered gritting my teeth

"yes baby whatever you want" he fed me and I hope that idiot will know that vegas is taken already.

"I am going to the washroom" vegas stood from his seat and I nodded. After vegas left for the bathroom, I saw that guy also going there. I don't want to be pessimistic but who wouldn't fall for vegas charms and my man is horny as hell just the image of vegas standing near others make my blood boil.

Without even realizing my body moved to the bathroom door and I slowly entered without making noise "I'll make you feel good" I hear that guy talking seductively to vegas and in a blink of seconds his hand reached vegas hand, OK THAT'S IT my patience has a limit.

"not in this life bitch and not even another life too because he is my man" I blurted out twisting his hand that touched vegas making him winch in pain.

"sorry!!!!!!.........." he managed to say while trying to free his hand from my grip "you better disappear from here before I kill you" he ran for his life after hearing that.

"Are you having fun flirting with him?" I asked in a mocking tone because I am mad.

"what? He was the one whose flirting I am not" he said seriously but I am still mad so I left that place and went to the parking lot after a few minutes vegas followed me.

"let's just go back" I said without looking at him. The ride was silent until we reach the mansion. Vegas parked the car a little far from the mansion "let's talk" he asked calmly but I don't want to talk to him now so I got out of the car.

"Pete stop" he followed "just go vegas we'll talk later" I said not turning my head towards him and was about to walk away.

"we have to clear this right now" vegas dragged me back to the car and pinned me cornering both sides and raised my chin so that I would look him in the eyes "I know I fucked so many people but I have changed for you Pete. Ever since I approached you, I never had eyes for anyone except you and I never laid a finger on anyone from then until now and I'll never do that in the future too because you took my heart baby" all my anger was gone after his confession that I hugged him so tight.

We took our time feeling each other embrace before breaking the hug "I love you Pete" this is when I realized that I never said that to him. I think it's time to open my mouth "I love you too vegas" one tear rolled from his right eye after hearing that. I volunteered to wipe it with my lips and we kissed each other for a second

"you know my sex appeal is high and we haven't done it after our first night. How long are you planning to make me wait Pete" he whispered leaning his forehead on mine

"whose stopping you" I whispered back making him surprised.

"huh?" he asked again making sure

"you can do whatever you want to me" we both smiled at each other and sneaked into my room.

Vegas was quick to remove his shirt and kissed me hard sucking and biting. We are kissing like fighting soldiers in the kiss war and I am sure neither of us wanted to lose.

Vegas used his tongue to dominate me and I am not backing off. His hands squeezed my butt "hmm... " I moaned and we broke the kiss to supply our lungs with oxygen.

We were breathing heavily and his hair was a mess, without wasting another second vegas removed my shirt and then my pants along with underwear. I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and continued kissing until we reach the bed and laid on it.

"vegas remove your pants too" he followed my order, I immediately flipped and got on top of him grabbing the blanket to cover us I kissed his neck and his chest.

I purposely bit his chest "ah... baby you're being naughty now huh?" he flipped us back while smiling and licked my neck and the rest of my body. There was no gap between us and we kept rolling taking turns in exploring each other's bodies under the blanket, it was damn hot.

"Are you ready baby" he asked concerned because there was no lube nor condom with us now but we both don't want to stop.

"go ahead honey" I know calling him like that will have an effect on him and he got hard immediately

"shit Pete, you're making me crazy" he pushed slowly to reduce the pain "ahhh.......... Vegas it hurts"

"are you ok? you want me to stop"

"no no don't stop. I like it. I like the pain you give to me"

"uhh... so tight..."

"ahhh.. hmm.. vegas" his thrusts met my sweet spot making me moan even louder

"so good... baby"

"harder... ahhh" he speed up his thrusts and we both reached our high.

"that was great" he laughed drawing his thing back and laid next to me taking me into his embrace

"vegas can I ask you something?"


"I know you approached me for khun kinn but I am there for years yet you never noticed me. Why did you suddenly get interested in me now?"

Vegas pov

Shit, we just reconciled. Why did Pete have to ask such a question? He doesn't know that I am the one who drugged Porsche and I approached Pete for ruining my plan. I don't want to see him angry again, I can't lose him so I choose to bury certain truths. "vegas? Are you listening?"

"Huh? Yes, babe, I am sleepy let's talk later"

"hmm" he nodded and we slipped to sleep.

Hi guys
How are you
I hope you like this chapter
Sorry to keep you guys waiting
And one more thing I decided to continue this story for a few more chapters

Don't forget to comment
Love you all bubbles ♥

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