chapter 19

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Pete pov

If it wasn't for alarm, I wouldn't have woken up from this dreamy land sleeping next to my lover and that too... naked under the warm blanket suddenly last night events flashed in my mind making me blush. Vegas was hugging my body, laying his head on my chest with my hands wrapped around him.

He is sleeping peacefully I gently stroked his hair with one of my hands he looks so calm and innocent but still... he is a devil once he woke up. I can't deny the fact that my boyfriend is the king of devils!!! I have chosen you vegas! But if I ever found you cheating on me..... I won't break up with you but I'll just kill that person involved with you and make sure to break your dick so that you'll be left with no option but to stay with me and WITH ME ONLY...

what? Did I sound a little bit cruel just now? well, you can't expect me to be innocent. I am the wife of devil after all...

(A/N : pete in love was SCARY!!! don't you guys agree? And he literally called himself the wife of devil... lol)

suddenly I felt the urge to kiss him so I planted a small kiss on his forehead, then his nose and finally his lips. I noticed he was about to wake up so I pretended to be asleep

"pretending to be asleep after doing something unholy?" his deep voice reached my ears making me open my eyes

"what's unholy? It's just a kiss" I defended.

"ohhh what about last night then?" he said tilting his head to meet my eyes smiling sluggishly.

"you were the one who wanted that. I was being polite" I snapped back little bit harsh to hide my blush.

"omg pete why are you so cute hahah... but I remember someone moaning my name like vegas... ahh... harder... ahh.." he mimicked my words that left my mouth last night which earned him a slap from me on his chest.

"stop teasing me or else I wont let you touch me again" I pouted

"ok ok I'll stop cause I cant live without touching you" he said sneaking his hand down to my butt

"vegas what are trying to do?" I asked halting his hand in the middle

"just one round" he begged.

"no I have to go"

"but your weekend off is not over yet"

"I know but khun noo will look for me"

"fuck him I want you now" he got top of me and pulled me up to his face so basically he was sitting on my lap now

"veg-" my words were cut off when he trapped my lower lip between his teeth and bit it until it bleeds it's not a kiss, there is no sucking.

"is it your kink?" i asked when he left my lip


"I mean you like do that a lot. Biting my lips. It's the third time already" as soon as I asked that he faces changed and his lips curled up into a smirk

"want to know what my actual kink is?" he asked with his deep and dangerous voice reaching out for his pants that are shattered on the floor and return to the bed with his leather belt.

I don't know what he is gonna do with that. Is he going to beat me with that?

"Give me your hands" I followed his order to know what he will do next. He tied my both hands together

"what are you doing?"

"you will know soon" he then tied my hands to the head board of the bed and started kissing me roughly. Vegas was giving me more love bites and I am becoming impatient

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