chapter 17

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Pete pov

"Vegas someone will see us" this bastard is so reluctant to let me go but I am too afraid. What if we get caught?

"I don't care" he said sternly

"well, I care. Leave me now" he was hugging me in front of main gate, saying he will miss me as an excuse.

Good thing it was too dark otherwise someone would have been noticed us by now.

"then give me a hug I will leave" is his mind not working?

"aren't you already hugging me?" he broke the hug finally!!!

"I am the one whose hugging you, you're not hugging me" huff, what now? isn't it the same? "come on do it, pete" I gave in to him because I don't want argue right now, not in front of the house so I hugged him back.

"now I feel good" he whispered. I can feel his lips forming into a smile on my nape. For some reason it felt good for me too.

"good night bab- pete" huh, did he seriously trying not to call me baby because I said him not to call me like that?


I found myself smiling without knowing "good night"

Kinn pov

Ughh!!! Why do I have to fall for a person like Porsche he won't stop sulking no matter how much I coax him.

I was so done with him so I came out to lighten up my mood with a wine glass but I saw two figures outside near the main gate so I went for a closer look. Isn't it pete? He is probably hugging someone... vegas? Well, how bold of them.

Aren't they afraid of getting caught? I remember how me and Porsche had to sneak out from everyone to spend some time back then but here they are hugging right in front of my eyes.... I mean in front of the mansion. Like seriously, can't you make it less obvious vegas? I wonder how will dad react when he finds out about them. Pete is definitely going to be vegas weakness.

Pete pov

I was blushing and twisting on bed. Today's events kept flashing in my mind. How did my plan to get him eat spicy food turn out like that? Making out in the car is that bad though.

his lips felt different with the taste of pizza he ate and it was too delicious that I want to taste them again.... Aii pete!! What the are you thinking? You're habituating the devil's lust. No!!! I just mean the pizza tastes good and I want to taste it again that's all... good night to myself.


"Hey pete.. wake up" someone was shouting my name with an unpleasant voice and it almost felt like my boss..... wait!!! Khun noo?

"peteeee...." Hoo its definitely him no one will have that pitch without a speaker other than him. I rushed to the door to reveal myself to him.

"what happened khun noo?" I am barely opening my eyes "lets lift up your mood" he said, no actually he shouted that's how he would talk anyway and coming to lifting up my mood he was doing it since the night that I cried in his room.

I didn't told him what happened to me yet his is trying so hard to make me feel happy. I really appreciate that but I wonder what weird plans he made today.

"khun noo what is this" I asked when he dragged me to his room it was decorated with lights. Well, not that kind of lights which bring beauty but these are disco lights which are probably burden to our eyes.

"lets party!!!" khun noo raised his hands with joy.

"uhm... for what?" I asked. Pol and arm are also in the room but khun noo just freezes after hearing my question, probably thinking for a reason to party.

"oiii why do we need a reason for partying let's just enjoy" he jumped in joy again. There are drinks and snacks and I feel like they are more than enough and I think we are going to watch some new series.

"khun noo at least turn off those disco lights please my eyes are hurting" I whined.

"oi pete you're no fun but since this is all for you I will agree" huh I love him, at least he listens to me sometimes. We spent almost all day watching those dramas and it really helped me to enjoy.

I am back to my room, it was dark and when I am about to turn on the lights someone grabbed me my behind and closed my mouth tightly I wiggled so hard "pete calm down... it's me" he freed me to turn on the lights.

"what are you doing here?"

"I miss you" ahhh.... This guy

" we literally met yesterday vegas"

"I want you all the time" he said with a smirk and laid himself on the bed.

"what are doing? Leave now. Porsche will come anytime soon" I tried to get him up by pulling his hands but no use this giant won't even budge.

"come on pete we are well aware he won't come. He is probably spending his night with his boyfriend. You should do it too" he placed his hand under his head making himself comfortable and for some reason it makes me uncomfortable. He was sexy... damn you pete stop that dirty mind of yours

"like what you see?" I was startled and realized that I was staring at him for too long .

"w-what are you saying? There's nothing to see. Now get out"

"that hurts" he held his heart dramatically with his free hand I just rolled my eyes at him

"okay okay I'll leave but come here" he motioned me to come and I sat beside him "let's go on a date"

"what? Did macau suggested you another place now"

"no I just want to take you to a dinner date... plzzz"

"okay, now get out"

"why are you chasing me away like you're hiding something under your bed" he was annoyed

"well, I am not hiding anyone but if anyone comes now I have to hide you under my bed... now go"

"give me a kiss and I'll leave" he rested his both on the headboard of the bed and I'm between them so practically he caged me

"w-what no" l looked away

"then I won't leave" ughh this Bastard...

I kissed his cheek literally in a speed of light and I'm turning red again. He smiled and leaned forward

"ahh.... Vegas.. " he bit by cheek

"sorry does it hurt" he was laughing

"idiot" I whispered to myself

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