chapter 12

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Vegas pov

When I woke up, I almost didn't feel my body. Did I drink that much? I remember that specs guy flirting with Pete but what happened next, I don't remember how I got home.

"phi, you woke up?" Macau greeted me when I went downstairs. He was having breakfast

"Macau, how did I get home yesterday?" I enquired.

"aww you don't remember phi? Phi Pete informed me to pick you up at the bar"

my memory from last night flashed in front of me when Macau stated that. Well, I want to see Pete now I quickly rushed back to my room to fresh up and reached main family.

The main family which I hated the most, the main family I wish to never visit but here I am standing Infront of that so-called main family with unexplainable excitement inside me. Pete, you are responsible for it. You made me experience the feelings I never know that are existed.

Seriously Pete are you a magician or did you put a spell on me? how did it turn out like this? from the point where I wanted to ruin you to the point where I want to spend more time with you, tease you, touch you, I want to keep you for myself and only myself Pete.

The bodyguards who are guarding the front door greeted me but my eyes wandered everywhere but the man of my world yet to be found. Minutes passed and my eyes finally met Pete! But what the hell is that specs guy doing here I felt my body burn when I saw Pete with another man, I have to claim what's mine right?

So in short I just walked straight to Pete and bit his lip in front of that guy and left shortly.

Clean sweep!!!!

Pete pov

"Well, do you have anything to tell us?" Porsche decided to ask after minutes of silence. I just glanced at them Porsche was sitting next to me and arm was standing with the most confused expression painted all over his face.

"I don't know but he confessed to me" I finally let it out

"confession?" Porsche made a face as if he is not getting what I was saying.

"Shia Porsche he said that he loves me" I sighed.

"Woah Pete!!! Just one mission with him and you managed to seduce the devil? You are definitely something" it was arm who just spit rubbish I mean, vegas was the one who seduced me. I was the victim.

"I didn't do anything" I scoffed and silence echoed through the room once again.

"so.... Do you like him?" Porsche and arm asked at the same time.

"uhh...I...I." no, I don't like him it's not 'like' it's 'love' but I know it's wrong he is our enemy.

"Pete... it's okay if you love him, you know we can't control those feelings, right? If it makes you happy then go for it" Porsche assured me with a smile damn does he read minds

"hmm" I nodded.

Vegas pov

I reached home with satisfaction "hia.... Where did you go?"

"business" I replied shortly.

"Business? You mean personal business?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

"don't you have to attend school?"

"don't change the topic hia, tell me do you really like phi Pete?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I like phi Pete he always respected us even though he works for the main family, so if you like him he will stay with us right?" Macau asked and now waiting for my answer eagerly.

"Macau, how will 'me liking him' makes him stay with us...hmm?"

"then make him like you. Since your mission with phi Pete, you have become livelier you are smiling often these days. I know your tricks will work on everyone so make phi Pete fall in love with you" my jaw dropped at his words where did he learn to say those things?

Pete pov

I don't know what possessed me I just sneaked out of the mansion why? Just to meet that bastard vegas. It's already night so no one noticed me when I am escaping but I just hope khun no wouldn't find out about this otherwise he'll separate the head from the body, not mine though.

Today no matter what I have to clarify our relationship. I can't keep guessing whether he really likes me or just messing with me so I am going to end this frustration today.

Although I once visited minor mansion, it was still hard to find vegas room "phi Pete" I jolted when someone whispered behind me

"Macau?" omg, I thought I got caught!!

"you actually got caught phi" Macau snapped at me. Did I say that out?

"what are you doing here phi?" here you go Pete, what excuse are you going to make now... think!!!

"umm... actually I.... I... uhh"

"hia is not in his bedroom he is in his office. Come on I'll take you" he guided me to his office and left me at the door.

"good luck phi Pete" he smiled wide and disappeared. This kid! What he was thinking.

I set my foot into the room and vegas who was immersed in his work just asked "what is it?"

he didn't even spare a glance towards me.

"I want an explanation" as soon as those words left my mouth vegas turned to me surprised.

"Pete?" he closed the file he was looking earlier and walked to me "what are you doing here?" he asked still surprised.

"I said I want an explanation. Are you deaf?" he grinned after hearing that.

"so you broke into my office at midnight with your bodyguard uniform just to ask this... hmm?" he raised his eyebrow in a teasing manner.

I just fell silent.

Suddenly I realized he was moving too close to me "explain what you did this morning first" I restricted him from moving too close by placing my palm against his broad shoulder.

"so can I do whatever I want after explaining that?" he asked with a certain hint in his voice that he want something and his eyes are so different from earlier I know these eyes... the hungry eyes of vegas theerapanyakul and the next moment he started to unbutton his shirt.

"v.. vegas what are you doing?" I gulped visibly and without knowing, my body started moving backward until my back hit the wall.

He removed his shirt completely "you should've known that you can't escape when you enter my office, baby" with that he carried me to the bedroom without minding how much I wriggle to get off from his hold.

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