chapter 11

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Pete pov

What are you doing?" vegas asked pinning me to the door.

"what do you think you are doing?" I fired back.

"I was trying to push him but I was too drunk, you are not drunk but you didn't even try to push him" he has the same irritating face and angry voice still. But I did push that guy away from vegas then whom this idiot referring to?

Come on Pete why it concerns you anyway! You just came to check on him and you did it's now time to retreat "let me go" I tried to push him back.

"what if I say 'no'"


"what if I say I WON'T LET YOU GO?" he stressed the last words as if it is a statement rather than a question and his hostile glare gave me goose booms I remained silent waiting for his next move.

Without wasting a second he gripped my waist too tight that I can feel pain and I am sure it will leave marks. His glare soon turned to lust as he was leaning closer and closer but suddenly something struck in my mind was he just trying to do what he was doing with that guy earlier?

No, I won't accept that I dodged his kiss and pushed him hard making him jolt backward.

"I am not a replacement vegas" I scowled at him and turned to the door leaving him behind all alone.


when I placed my hand on the doorknob vegas hugged me from behind "he was forcing me I am not interested in him" he said but don't you guys think it's funny a random creature tried to force a devil?

Whom are you fooling vegas?

"Trust me, baby" His voice sounds like he was crying I quickly turned to him oh my god! he pouting? For god's sake give me a break vegas.

I have always thought khun kinn deserves an award for bearing with Porsche but I think whoever ever going to become a partner of vegas deserves a crown because sometimes he will tease me, and sometimes he will be cold and angry, most of the times he will try to seduce me though umm... let's not talk about that.

But how can I resist him when he pouts "hmm... okay" I assured him.

There he goes! Back to our previous position his hands were on my waist, eyes filled with lust our faces were inches apart but in a different place, my body pressed against the sink, and our noses were in contact. I closed my eyes as vegas started kissing my face softly then he lifts and make me sit on the counter and moved his lips downwards to my neck the soft kisses turned rough I threw my head backward giving him full access to my neck as my hand running through his hair.

"ah... vegas" a moan escaped from my mouth as he bit me hard.

he cupped my face and attacked my lips with full force that it took me a few seconds to respond. Just when I am about to open my lips he pulled back.

"you didn't respond.... Why?" he sulked I know he is not in his senses now that's why he is behaving like this.

"Open your mouth" he again attempted another kiss but I blocked it.

We shouldn't do this because I know if I let him kiss me we will end up in bed for sure, Not that I don't want it to happen but not now not when he is drunk. I will give in to him when he is fully conscious and let him do whatever he wants to me.

"Why?" his face painted with confusion.

"not now"

"why?... do you like him?" what is he talking about.

"You are drunk"

"pleaseeee, baby"

"I said no" I raised my voice a little which makes him roll his eyes. "Call Macau to pick you up"

"no" he shifted his gaze while saying that. This bastard is unbelievable! Even when he is drunk, he didn't fail to annoy me.

I took him out of the bar and sat him on the bench I grabbed his phone from his pocket, now it's time to decode the passcode.

Hmm, I have tried everything "just tell me the damn passcode, vegas"

"no, if I tell you will leave me to Macau" he was hugging me all the time hands on my waist and resting his head on my shoulder while I am struggling to guess his passcode. Well, suddenly something crossed my mind should I try it but... okay I don't have a choice anyway let's just try it. I entered


and it was unlocked.

"you really are a pervert vegas" I say as I searched for Macau's number.

"haha... you found out"

I told Macau to pick up vegas and vegas released me from the hug and exposed his puppy eyes "are you going to him" him again? Whom you are referring to, vegas.

"stop acting like a drama queen I will stay with you until Macau arrives" after hearing that vegas hugged me like before.

"baby, I want that candy" he is being sulky again.

"baby my ass, whose acting like a baby exactly and we are in a bar where can I get a candy for you" I said the last words calmly when I saw his puppy eyes.

"here" his eyes pointed my lips and he gave a quick peck.

"phi" Macau just entered. Did he see anything?

"thank you phi Pete for taking care of my brother"

"oh, that's okay Macau" I smiled nervously then he took vegas home with the help of a few bodyguards.


When the morning came my bodyguard life starts again. Arm, Porsche and I are working out in the gym.

"Pete, help me here" arm asked me to help him do the workout. Just when we are in the middle of our workout session someone entered the room and it was... vegas? What is he doing here? Porsche and arm are also judging the vegas existence just like me.

but vegas did the unexpected.

He came straight to me with a cool expression on his face like a model and before I can respond he grabbed me with his left hand on my waist and used his right hand to pull my face closer. He opened his mouth and took my lower lip between his teeth and bit until it bleeds but that's not the real part!

He shifted his gaze toward arm and licked his lip that was tainted with my blood and left with his hands in his both pockets like nothing happened.

What the fuck?!!!! Did that idiot got jealous over arm?

Porsche and arm are stunned. And me? I was freaking startled, confused and afraid. How I am going to explain this to them.

Hi guys
How are you all
Hope you enjoyed
We all know Vegas jealousy is a never ending saga and it didn't ended yet

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