chapter 15

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Hi guys
This story reaching it's end so I want to ask you all about another plot so I can write another story after this. so if you have any ideas or want any plot just let me know I'll try to write that.

Vegas pov

Minutes passed, sitting Infront of my system yet I can't focus on anything. My eyes are glued to the screen but my mind is somewhere else. Pete.

He looked so weak earlier in the meeting. maybe I should take a break staring at the screen without focus won't help at all.
But when I returned again, there was someone! I can recognize him even from behind "Pete?" I called out softly but he didn't turn around not even moving it was at that time I realized he was watching something.

"were you having fun?" he asked but his eyes never left the screen. His voice sounded different.

"what do you mean?" I asked, no response. It was killing me.

The silence.

I gently reached for his shoulder but he shrugged it off!!

Shrugged it off real hard

Shrugged it off even before I touch him

"I asked you, were you having fun making me a fool?" he shouted, his eyes became sharp and red with rage that I never thought I could see in Pete's eyes.

"vegas..." my gaze fall to the source of that voice, my eyes widened, my brain already assuming the possibilities that could happen. No, it can't be!! He was watching those clips... No!

"Pete, listen to me..." even before I could finish, he slapped me with full force.

"What do you want me to listen? About how you managed to trick me or how easy I was to get into bed with you... huh?" his eyes getting teary

"no Pete, please listen it's not what you think" I tried to reach him again and again as he keeps pushing me away "Pete please, I didn't use you" my tears threatening to spill, seeing Pete all break down with nonstop tears "yes, I approached you to use you against kinn but it's all in the past. I have changed Pete. Please... believe me I just want to ruin the major family" as long as Pete is ready to listen I am willing to spill every evil plan I made and beg him to not leave me.

he laughed sarcastically " Ruin the major family? did you forget that I am also from the major family?"

"That's not what I mean Pete" I pleaded.

"I hate you vegas, I hate you!!!" he shouted before storming out of the room.

He didn't even say I love you yet but I made him hate me already and it breaks me just like when my mother left me and Macau. Now he also left us.

He left.

He chooses the main family leaving me here like a loser. have I lost again? have I lost Pete? How I am going to clean this mess!!

Pete pov

I can't see clearly as my path was blurry due to the constant waterfall from my eyes. I am a fool to believe everything he said despite knowing he was a heartless devil and I am even ashamed of myself to give in to him.
I placed my hand over my chest on the left side, that part hurts so much.

Each step became a burden to my body as I reach the main family mansion but I need someone to hug so I didn't hesitate to knock on the door and once the door was opened I threw myself on him as I can't control my aching heart anymore.

"owww.... what happened to my Pete? Why are you crying?" khun noo almost shouted like always but I didn't say anything instead I was sobbing hard "okay okay.... Let's calm down first" he assisted me to settle on the bed and locked the door before coming to me again "who made you like this!! I will kill him for sure. How dare they made my Pete cry huff" he took me into his embrace while saying that

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