chapter 13

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Pete pov

"vegas... put me down!!!" I yelled when he carried me to the room in bridal style. He put me down just to lock the door from inside I am starting to regret my decision to meet him now.

"w why did u... lock the door?" my voice cracked in fear.

"huh?... you don't know?" he answered as he approaches me.

"don't come close or else I'll scream" I tried to threaten him

"you don't have to worry about that baby, I'll make you scream all night" he trapped me in his arms

"let me go vegas" I wriggled again but it's no use he is too strong

"stop trying to escape Pete. I won't leave you no matter what" this time he was serious. I looked straight into his eyes and I can sense slight anger in him "you let everyone touch you but you keep pushing me a way?" his grip tightened on my waist.

"what are you talking about? They are my friends" does he think that everyone will be perverted like him?

"you have to be punished baby" he pushed me to the bed and clasped my hands together as his lips find it's way to my neck.


"shh....don't talk"

"but i..hmph" he sealed my lips with his but only pecs. I felt the heaviness on my body vanished. When I opened my eyes vegas was near the wardrobe he reached me with a white shirt in his hands "go change into this, I don't want anything except for this shirt on your body" he threw the shirt on my face

"are you crazy? How can I possibly wear only a shirt without pants" I was truly confused.

"huh? But you did that when you first visit my room, don't you remember?" this is when I realized that this is the same shirt, I wore that day "or you want me to help you change baby" he spoke again

"no need" I quickly ran into the bathroom. Damn, what should I do? Do vegas want to do it now? but I am still not sure about his feelings "Pete, did you finish" he shouted "just a minute" I changed my clothes as he wished, of course, I was wearing underwear underneath my shirt as soon as I walked out, my embarrassment took charge and the cold air greeted my poor legs that are left uncovered.

"come here baby" he asked while sitting on the edge of the bed. I am too shy to approach him so he volunteered again I closed my eyes as he carried me to the bed, I bet my face probably turned into a tomato. He laid me on the bed and straddled me while he settled on top of me with his knees between my thighs.

"Pete look at me" he caressed my cheek making me open my eyes slowly "you look so sexy. I won't hold back anymore, okay?" he murmured on my lips.

"hmm" I just hummed. The predator took my lips between his teeth as he did in this morning, the wound from the bite didn't fade yet but vegas was ready to make another. I am not complaining though!

"Note this Pete!!! I am the only one who is allowed touch you so don't you dare let anyone come near you. Do you understand?" he warned looking into my eyes and I nodded in response.

"I want words baby"

"yes, I understand" I replied properly this time damn he was scary.

The room filled with our kissing sounds, vegas hands were roaming all over my thighs while he was kissing me so rough, soon he shifted his lips to his favorite spot that is my neck he was sucking so hard that I can't hold back my moans anymore.

"scream all you want baby this room is sound proof so no one can hear us" he whispered while panting, seeing me struggle to control my moans but I am more embarrassed now his lips trailed downwards, kissing my chest, licking my nipples after leaving marks all over my neck

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