chapter 16

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Hi guys
I know you guys are waiting
But I'm kind of depressed
I'm back now 😊😊😊

And about earlier.... I accidentally posted the chapter while editing it that's why I deleted it immediately.
Sorry for that.
Don't forget to comment

Love you all bubbles ♥

Vegas pov

I was happy that pete agreed to give me another chance but when the later sentence slipped out of his mouth... I was kind of disappointed.


"Okay" we both looked at each other in the eye after some time I leaned over and landed a soft and sloppy kiss on his lips.

The taste of his lips mixed with our tears I don't dare to move my lips just a lazy kiss. We remained like this until pete broke it by pushing me lightly but nevertheless, our faces are still close with an inch gap.

He shot me a glare "you can pursue me in any you want" my face lit up with that "but you know what? A broken piece will never be the same again. I won't make it easy for you, try all you want" with that he pushed me hard to the floor and said "I hope you will be honest from now on"


I was being honest all the time it's just that I didn't realize it back then and does he really going to make it hard for me? I won't give up either way.

That's why I am now a mess thinking out plans on what excuse should I make to visit major mansion yet my brain couldn't process anything but suddenly something popped up in my mind I rushed to my only hope.

"macau, what are you doing?" I asked as soon as I opened the threshold of his room

"huh! Nothing hia, I am playing game" he responded with all his concentration on the game

"are you bored? Do you want to visit porchay in major mansion?" I found myself a place next to him on the bed

"are you using me to meet with pete?" his brows furrowed like he knows exactly what I want

"why you have to read my mind always" I snatched the mobile from him

"hey ok ok I will help my hia to win phi pete again. You can trust me on that now give me back my mobile hia" he assured me with a smile. this kid always acts like he is an expert in giving advice.

"First, you have to ask him on date"

"I don't need you to teach me flirting skills! I need a chance to meet pete to initiate anything" I sighed.

"I told you I'll help you. You can be rest assured hia" he winked at me

"why are you so sure about these kinds of matter? Are you seeing someone" I asked sternly.

"what? No!!" he responded in a light speed that was suspicious "I will ask phi pete to meet you" macau walked towards the bathroom

"I am coming with you" I was about to pick myself up from the bed "no, you have to make arrangements for the date and I'll ask phi pete to meet you in the evening"

Pete pov

The evening air came to my contact smoothly, as I stand outside the mansion in casual clothes. I don't feel like going out these days but I don't want to disappoint macau he asked me to hang out with him since vegas was busy.

I felt guilty for ignoring him these past few weeks. I mean he didn't do anything wrong yet I refused to talk to him whenever he approached me so I decided to make up for it.

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