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Before we begin I just wanted to say that english is not my main language so dont expect to much of my writing. 

Also I'm a teenager so I don't really have much expirence with writing either and I'm not going to write smut. 

But for the rest: Enjoy this fanfc!


I woke up on the couch to the tv being on. The news was the only thing broadcasting, it was all about the so said zombie apocalypse. My sleepy brain watched in confusion. The news reporters were talking about the 'zombies' eating people and/or infecting them.

As I started getting awake more I hear my phone ring. It was my best friend John. "Have you seen the news? There's a fricking apocalypse goin' on! Where are you? Hello? Hey, Emris? I heard him say as I picked up the phone.

"I'm here" I said sleepely, "I've seen the news, I don't know what to do. Where are we supposed to go?" As I finished that sentence I heard the female news reporter say that there would be a safe zone in Atanta. "Did you hear that?" John said, "Atlanta will be safe from the zombie things." I didn't know what to say or think and I wasn't really paying attention to him anyway.

"Hey Emris are you still here?" I heard in a distance, "I'm coming over to your place, okay?" As he said that the TV went black. "Yes that's okay, did the TV turn off at your place? I replied to him. "Yes, it did. The power must've fallen out or something."


About half an hour later I heard knocking on my door. As I slowly waked over to open it for John I heard a strange noise from that direction. It sounded like someone was gargling. I looked trough my door window and saw a person standing there, it wasn't John. 

I opened the door to see him better and the person came at me. Still gargling he tried to grab me. I screamed as I tried to run away, in the corner of my eye I saw two more coming in. I ran out of my backdoor towards my car in the front of my house. When I got in my car I drove away as fast as possible, towards the big city, Atlanta.

Love & survival (Daryl Dixon x oc)Where stories live. Discover now