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I woke up the next morning extra early. I had no idea why, usually I sleep in until the afternoon. My boys were still asleep. I got up. Rick, Judith and Beth were also awake.

Carl came out of his cell half asleep. "Good morning, sleepy guy." I said. He didn't reply and walked to the common room. He was becoming an actual teenager.

I was reading when Daryl and Atlas joined the room. "Mornin'" Daryl said.

"Morning." I said back. Daryl walked over to the prepared formula bottles, we always had a couple ready, and started to feed our son. He sat down next to me. "Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked.

"'Cause, when I wake you up, I wake you both up and I wanted an hour of peace." I answered his question and he nodded. Rick, Carl and Michonne went outside. The Grimes family, apart from Judith, were the farmers. Michonne was always out, looking for a sign of The Governor.

We were all minding our own business when gunshots came from another cell block. I ran outside. "Walkers in D!" Glenn yelled.

"What about C?" Rick yelled as he ran towards us.

"It's clear!" I yelled and ran to the cell block. The others yelled something too.

It was pure chaos in D. People were running around and yelling. I killed everything that looked like a walker. I saw that Luke was close to being murdered in the corner of my eye. Daryl grabbed him and put him in a cell with Karen and the other kids. I continued to lead people out and kill walkers. People were getting attacked everywhere.

"Are we clear down here?" Rick asked when it was finally quiet. "We're clear?"

"Yeah, yeah." Sasha replied to both of his questions. Me and Daryl went upstairs to check the situation over there.

A walker jumped at me. "Shit!" I yelled as I almost fell over the railing. An arrow impaled its skull and I threw it over.

"Em! You okay?" Daryl helped me get up.

"Yeah, I'm good. " I said. "At least I know I'm alive again."

Daryl sighed at my comment and we continued clearing the cell block.

When we were done I immediately went over to Luke. "You okay?" I asked. "Have you been bit?"

"I'm okay." He replied. I hugged him tightly.

The people died and turned because of a heavy flu. That's our theory. I wanted to go to our cell block but Daryl stopped me from going to our son. "You can't. We can't, not until we know what the hell this is."


"-Em, we can't. We have to stay away from him." He said. I knew he hated it as much as I did.


There had been a council meeting. I decided to not be a part of it. I didn't want to have such important shit on my hands. Daryl always updated me anyway and got used most of my opinions.

I was playing Uno with Luke outside. Daryl was digging graves in the yard. Rick walked up to him. They talked for a bit, when Maggie called them. I stood up to see what was going on and saw that the fence was going to give. "I'm so sorry, Luke, but I need to help them." I said as I put down my cards. He nodded and put his cards down as well. I ran over to Maggie, Rick and Daryl.

I poked walkers in the eye through the fence as others joined us. I wasn't helping very much, but I didn't give up.

A walker was climbing up the fence which caused it to almost bend over. All we could do was push it up. Daryl told us to walk back, we did. Rick had an idea. He and Daryl went away.

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