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Daryl, Shane, Andrea, Hershel and Rick gatherd around a truck to make a plan to start the search for Sophia. Maggie had given them a map of the area and gave them some tips. I was in mine and Daryl's tent we had set up this morning. It was almost like the camp in Atlanta again but only just about a third of the people. We set the camp under some trees in front of the house. Glenn was setting up the last tents and the rest was setting up a campfire spot with some chairs.

I was reading one of Dale's shitty books when Daryl came in, "'m goin' out." 

"To find Sophia? Or are you going hunting?" I asked.

"The girl." 

"Since when do you care for our group?" I asked sarcasitcally

Daryl just rolled his eyes and turned around and walked away.

"Byeeee!" I yelled jokingly as he walked away. 

When I decided I was done with the trestle-bed I hopped outside and sat in one of the camping chairs. Dale came to us, "There's a walker in the well." Everyone was going with Dale to check it out but I had to stay. I still couldn't walk. 

I saw from a big distance that they were trying to get it out. Glenn was lowerd in and when they pulled him out a walker came out later. There was a lot of action before the group seemed like they had given up. The plan must have not worked.

When they came back they had a dissapointed and blank face. The plan did indeed not work. "Any luck? Did you get it out?" I asked pretending to not know what was going on. I had Dale's stupid book on my lap and had pretended to continue reading it when they left.

"It infected the well. We can't use it anymore." Glenn answerd blankly. Him and Maggie went on the trip to the pharmacy and Shane, Carol and Andrea went to see if Sophia was on the highway. Daryl was still out looking fot Sophia.

I was talking with Dale when Glenn and Maggie came back. Glenn was looking very happy. In the corner of my eye I saw that Lori came ot of the house and walked over to him. He handed her something. It was a small bag. I decided not to think about it. It wasn't for me to know. Maggie walked over to the house. Something had happened between her and Glenn because they both looked extremly happy. I'm guessing it was sex.

Daryl came back and before I could say 'hi' he went inside the RV. He had a bottle with a flower in his hand. "I've gotta ask you, are you and Daryl like a thing?" Dale asked out of the blue. "What?" I asked him not expecting that question. "I don't know. You just seem very close." He explained. 

"We're not a thing, Dale." I rolled my eyes with a smile, "We're just... We're just friends. If you can even call it that."

"Just friends, huh..." Dale replied, "You like him don't you. You're always keeping an eye on him. I've noticed."

"No! I mean.. I don't know. I keep an eye on everyone."

"But mostly on him."

"No. No, not mostly." I sighed, "Okay... He's not that bad. I mean. I don't know... It's..."

"You like him?"

"I don't know. We had sex though."

"What. You and... and Daryl.. had sex?" Dale was completly flabbergasted, "When?"

"At the CDC. We were both very drunk though. It was right after I got out of the shower. I barely remember it." I smiled as I thought back to that night.

"I don't know what to say. I didn't... I don't... Wow... Uhm... So, do you... do you have an answer? Do you like him?" Dale said still in semi-shock.

"Yeah, I think I do." When I finally got my answer to Dales question Daryl came back out of the RV. He had talked to Carol. "Hey" He said. Dale stood up, "I'm going back on watch."

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