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"Hey, Emris. You okay?" Daryl worriedly asked me after I wiped my tears away a couple times.

"Yeah. It's just.. Jim was a part of this group, you know and now he's gone, I just realize this is never gonna end. We'll always keep losing people. And to be honest, I'm scared of losing, you." I told him. I probably should have kept that last sentence to myself. Daryl stared at me, surprised, confused? what is the right word to discribe his facial expression? Words were falling short, again. All I could read of him was that he did not expect this to come out of me. He started to stutter, not finding his words. 

"'m scared of losing ye too." Was what came out of him after a couple seconds, "You're my only friend." After that it went silent again. We drove for what felt like eternity and finally arrived at our destination. Everyone got out of their vehicles. Rick and Shane led us to the entrance of the building. There were walkers everywhere. It smelled terrible. Flies were all over this place. 

As we got to the entrance Rick kocked on the doors. Nobody opened them. They tried to open them but didn't succeed. "There's nobody here." T-Dog concluded.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick asked him. Daryl gave us a heads up because there were walkers coming. We didn't have a lot of time to get out of here. He started shooting them. "You led us in to a graveyard!" Daryl walked around angerly. Shane yelled in defense of Rick. They had a small fight until he turned back to Rick. "Rick this is a dead end."

"Where are we gonna go?" Carol asked desperatly.

"Do you hear me? No blames." Shane continued to Rick. Lori agreed with him. Shane put Fort Benning on the table. We could still go there. Andrea made an agreeable statement about the fact that we had no recources. It was a chaotic discussion. I looked over at the camera above the door, I thought I saw it move. Shane told us to go back and go. I kept my eyes on the camera. Daryl grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I was struggeling to get out of his grip and failed.

"The camera! It moved." Rick yelled. Daryl let go of me when they started to tell him that he was seeing shit. "He isn't." I started, "I saw it move too." I walked back towards the closed door looking up to the camera. Daryl stopped me, again. Shane tried to talk Rick out of his hope. It didn't work, he banged the doors and yelled to the camera looking directly into it. Everyone tried to get him to leave it. Shane eventually pulled him away when we heard a noise from behind us. 

The doors opened.

We carefully walked in yelling hello?s. Somebody was standing near a staircase with a heavy gun asking if any of us were infected. Rick gave him an answer, "One of our group was. He didn't make it."

"Why are you here? What do you want?" The man asked

"A chance."

"That's asking an awfull lot these days."

"I know."

The man looked at all of our scared faces and decided that with an bloodtest we would be allowed to stay. We all agreed. He told us to grab our stuff and when the door closed it wouldn't open again. We ran outside grabbing our bags from the parked vehicles.

The doors closed and I heared Rick introduce himself. The mans name was Dr. Edwin Jenner. We walked towards the elevator. It was very akward. "Docters always go 'round packing heat like that?" Daryl asked to make the situation a little less akward. "Oh, there were plenty left lying around. I familliarised myself." Dr. Jenner answerd. "But you look harmless enough." He continued, "Except for you, I need to keep my eye on you." He gestured towards Carl. Dorctors really did not have a sign of humor. Carl gave him an akward smile though.

Apperantly Carol's a little claustrophobic just like me, except for me it was more than a little. Though I became quite good at ignoring and hiding my fears. We were underground. I never liked onderground things. I just never trusted the roof to hold the weight of the building above it.

We entered a huge room with a lot of computers. Jenner told us it's called Zone 5. There was nobody there. "Where is everybody?" Rick asked, "The other doctors, the staff?"

"I'm it. It's just me here"

At this point I started to lose hope for life.

Lori asked who 'Vi' was. It was an artificial intelligence, like Jarvis in Iron Man. It welcomed us after Jenner told it to do so. "I'm all that's left. I'm sorry." he concluded. He led us to the room where he waas going to take the blood tests. After Andrea was done we were led to the kitchen. We had a feast.

"You know in Italy, children have a little bit of wine of wine by dinner. And in France" Dale gestured towards Carl. Lori did not allow it of course but Rick agreed and Carl got to taste. "Ewww!" He pulled a disgusted face and Lori poured the rest in her own glass. Everyone was laughing. Everyone was drunk. Daryl told Glenn to get drunk and see how red his face could get. He poured two glasses of wine and gave one to me. "Thanks." I told him.

Rick stood up, "It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly."

"He is more that just our host." T-Dog joined.

"Hear, Hear." "Here's to you, Doc!" "Booyah!" was yelled all across he table. Daryl came towards me again with a bit of food when Shane decided this was a good time to kill the happy atmosphere. He asked Jenner what happened. Rick told him that it was not the right moment to ask these type of questions. Shane then said that that's why we're here. It was why we were here. I did not blame him from wanting answers but this was a happy moment. No need to make it serious.

Jenner decided to answer him. He told us a lot of people 'opted out' when the world went to shit. Andrea then asked why he didn't. "I just kept working. Hoping to do something good." Was his answer.

He gave us a tour to the bedrooms. He told us a bunch of stuff about not sucking up to much energy and tol us to go easy on the hot water. Hot. Water. Glenn realised it too when he turned around with a huge smile, "Hot water?" 

"That's what the man said." T-Dog said ecqually happy. We all quickly went to the bathroom and showerd. It was the best shower ever. I washed my dirty and greasy hair and my body. 




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