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Everyone was packing our things. We were going to abandon the prison. I packed all of my things. I came across the box Daryl made on the farm. I smiled and put it in my backpack together with the not yet done blouse and actual survival stuff.

We were loading out stuff into the cars. Carl came outside with his bags. He looked absolutely pissed. I had never seen him like that before. He did not agree with our plan, he wanted to fight.

I was standing at Daryl's bike with him. He was prepping his arrows. I walked to Glenn. "He's pissed." I nodded to Carl.

Glenn nodded in reply. "Let's just get ready." He said eventually. I nodded and walked back to Daryl.

"You ready?" He asked me.

"Yup." I nodded with raised eyebrows. "Everything's in the car."


There was a lot of gunfire. Two guard towers exploded with grenade guns, I had to duck because of all the stuff flying around. The people of Woodbury were moving in. They were headed to our cell block.

I was waiting for someone to give me a cue to do my part. I double checked the things I had laid ready to use, ammo and guns. There were a couple people standing guard outside. Everyone was within the fences.

The cue came. The alarms started blaring and faint screaming came from inside. People were running outside. I got in position. I held my sniper rifle ready. I aimed. I pulled the trigger. I repeated that a couple dozen times.

Daryl came back up the stairs. "Did you get it?" I yelled. His job was to jam the rapid fire gun on one of the cars.

"Yup!" He positioned himself next to me and started firing too. We stopped when everyone was either running or driving away.

I gave Daryl a fistbump. "We did it."

"We did it." He pecked my lips.

"All right, Mr. Romeo." I smiled and kissed him too.

We gathered at the inside gate. "We did it. We drove them out." Rick stated.

"We should go after them." Michonne advised.

"We should finish it." Daryl backed her up.

"It is finished." Maggie debated. "Didn't you see them hightail it outta here?"

"They could regroup." I said.

"We can't take the chance." Glenn said. "He's not gonna stop."

"They're right." Carol joined. "We can't keep living like this."

"So we take the fight back to Woodbury? We barely made it back last time." Maggie discussed.

"I don't care." Daryl said.

"Yeah." Rick sighed. "Let's check on the others."

We went inside. Beth with Judith, Carl and Hershel came in. Carl wanted to come with us to Woodbury. I went to my cell, Daryl followed me. "I don't want ye to go." He said.

"What? Why?" I asked as I turned around.

"It's safer here."

"So what? I can take care of myself." I protested.

"I just want you to stay."


"-No! The last time I let you come I did stupid shit. I let you get hurt. I don't want to do that again." He begged. I didn't know what to say. I nodded, "I'll stay." I hugged him. "Thank you." He said softly.

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