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TW: This chaper has the mention of blood and other nasty stuff so if you don't like that please continue to the next part.


Jim was tied up to a tree. It was just to calm him down. Shane poured some water over his head. I was watching him from a distance. 

Jim was talking to Carl. After that all of them went away to clean the fish Andrea and Amy caught. Lori walked over to Jim. She looked shocked after he said something to her and quickly went with the rest. I went back into my tent as there was nothing to watch anymore. I grabbed my book and went back to reading.


That evening we were sitting by the campfire, eating some more fish. The others weren't back yet and I started to worry a little. Morales asked Dale why he always winds up his watch. He answerd with some weird answer from a quote or something. It made no sense wich caused us to laugh a little.

Amy stood up. "Where are you going?" Andrea asked. "I'm going to pee. Geez, I'm trying to be discreet around here." She answerd. All of us laghed at their antics. Amy walked away.

"We're out of toilet paper?" I heard form a distance. Before I could look up I heard a scream. Amy got bitten by a walker. Within moments everyone was screaming. It was chaos. I ran to my tent to grab Daryl's knife. I knew he kept it there just in case.

When I found it I went back to the RV. A walker came at me from the side. Before I knew it I put the knife in his skull. I pulled it out wich caused some blood to come out of it. It was terrifing. I was terrified, I was frozen. I stared at the dead body. Its guts were hanging out of his stomach. Another walker came in my direction. I couldn't move. It was almost here.

I heard a noise on my left. An arrow was shot in the walker's head. Before I knew it Daryl was in front of me. "Are you okay? Are you bit? Hey? You here? Emris?" He waved his hand in front of my face. I couldn't look away from the body of the first walker. He put his hands on my shoulders and shook me. When I finally snapped out of my stare I looked up to him. He was terrified and worried. "Are you okay? Are you bit?" He asked again.

"I'm okay." I replied a bit dazed.

"Alright. Lets get back to the others, yeah?"

"Yeah. Okay."

We walked back to the RV. Andrea was sitting next to Amy. She laid on the floor. Blood was covering her. She was bit on her shoulder and arm. Andrea was crying. We all kept our distance a little. Everyone was crying. The kids all looked terrified, their parents hugging them closely. Daryl stood close to me.

I sat, well more like fell, down to process what had happened. I wasn't the only one. Lori, Carol and Morales' wife were down on the ground, with their kids in their arms, staring into nowhere. Daryl sat down next to me, "Hey, ye sure you're okay?"

"No." Was all I could get out of me right now. I was staring into nowhere aswell thinking about what had happened this night.


Everyone was cleaning up camp. I was sitting in mine and Daryl's tent staring into nowhere once more. I couldn't help but to think about how terrified I was. I don't know how else to explain my feelings to myself. Like Dale said: Words are meager things.

After what felt like eternity Daryl came walking in. "Hey, everyone's goin' to the funeral thing to pay their respects. You should come."

"Yeah." I answer him puzzled as I stood up.

"Ye know, I'd like to get my knife back."


"My knife. The one ye used on that walker last night." He explained. "Oh, yeah. One sec." I replied as my brain decided to finally understand him. I grabbed the knife from under my pillow and handed it to Daryl. He thanked me and we both walked towards the spot where Jim had dug the graves.

I saw someone in the RV. "Who's in there. I thought everyone was going to the funeral." I asked. "Jim, he got bit. We're goin' to the CDC after we finish this first." He explained.

"Jim got bit?"

"Yeah. There's word that the CDC had a cure or somethin'. I don't know but it's somethin' to have hope for."

He was right. If the CDC was still up and running they might have found a cure by now. I hope.

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